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Comment Re:Gizmodo May Face Felony Charges (Score 1) 151

And again, how is this theft?

So this guy finds a phone that looks strange, and might be an Apple prototype. So he calls up Apple, they don't want it back (mostly, of course, because Apple has a really shitty information policy, no one answering the phone knew about the missing prototype, nor how it looked).

Apple knew that the phone was missing (and possibly where it was), because they activated the remote wipe functionality.

This is a situation that Apple itself made a lot worse.

Sure, what the guy did was also hilariously wrong, since he could've just left the phone at the bar, the engineer that lost it would surely consult the bar the next day. That's the behaviour that would make the most sense, but maybe he was too much focused getting fame and money to care. So the investigation makes sense, but i think Apple has only itself to blame for all the publicity the phone has received. Had they talked to the guy when he called them, they could've probably come to an agreement.

Comment Re:Gotta love... (Score 1) 1131

No, this is because it's very easy to get to Western Europe from their home countries (it's all land - no Visa or Greencard needed, getting into the US from outside the continent is pretty hard).

Add the facts that the social systems in Germany and similar countries will basically cover you in free money once you get there, even if you're an illegal immigrant, which is a very stark contrast to the US policy of shooting illegals that try to cross the border.

The comment about second-generation muslims is of course true, but the one thing that's worse then them are people that converted to Islam.

Comment Re:Good plan (Score 1) 520

Don't block Youtube, but monitor it's usage. If you have a developer thats not very productive but spends most of his workday on Youtube, fire him. Much more efficient. People will always find ways not to work, but if you allow the default ones, you can track how much they don't work.

Comment Re:Good plan (Score 1) 520

And people ask why our developers don't get any access to our production systems, because what you did there just fucked up any security concept your company might have had.

Then again, i'm never one that wants to keep people from working. We're using Microsoft's RD Gateway to provide simple and easy access to your PC from home, and several of our developers have gotten work laptops and a docking station, so they can take their whole work home, if they want to (or keep the laptop running and RDP into it from the home PC).

Comment Re:Gotta love... (Score 1) 1131

The US mostly mostly has middle and upper-class muslim immigrants. They're not bad people, because most of them don't value their religion about everything else.

Europe, on the other hand, mostly has the lower-class, redneck-equivalent muslim immigrants. They're bad people. They value their religion above everything else. They trade people:

Most of them are dangerous, because they value the drug riddled prophecies of a child molester above both logic and infidel law.

(As always, there are exceptions)

Comment Re:this is common (Score 1) 299

I think that's normal and is called "growing up".

During my apprenticeship, i started running my own web server, mail, dns, everything. I've learned a lot with that.

Then that machine (running a mostly broken Debian woody, with several self-made packages, several unstable packages from various points in time, and i setup i hardly understood anymore) finally broke. I've replaced it with a new one, made everything much simpler, using only standard packages, turned up cron-apt for everything, including automatic reboots.

All the critical stuff (Mail, DNS) is outsourced now. Google Apps & PowerDNS Express. I know i should've used BPOS instead of Google Apps, but it's more expensive and Gmail is a lot better for handling my private Mail than OWA is.

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