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Submission + - Drupal 6.0 released (drupal.org)

pcs305 writes: "After one year of development we are ready to release Drupal 6.0 to the world. Thanks to the tireless work of the Drupal community, over 1,600 issues have been resolved during the Drupal 6.0 release cycle. These changes are evident in Drupal 6's major usability improvements, security and maintainability advancements, friendlier installer, and expanded development framework. Further, from bug fix to feature request, these issues follow-through on the Drupal project's continued commitment to deliver flexibility and power to themers and developers."

Submission + - Drupal 6.0 has been released (drupal.org) 1

rDouglass writes: "Following one year of development, Drupal 6.0 has been released. Drupal powers a wide range of websites from publishing sites, non-profits, large technology companies, to rock stars and personal blogs. Drupal 6.0 has many new features such as OpenID support, better internationalization and localization support, a better installer and easier theming. Drupal is a PHP based product released under the GPL."

Comment Re: German Spam (Score 1) 270

I never ever get German spam. And I am a Crouty after all.

In fact, a simple regular expression matching "der" or "mit" would be a better test for legitimate mail than Thunderbird's crappy heuristics.

CRIA Falling Apart? 242

An anonymous reader writes "Apparently, the CRIA (Canadian Recording Industry Association) has been falling apart recently. The biggest blow occurred when 6 major Canadian independent labels quit which was followed by some problems with the Copyright Board. Of course, this is all happening after the whole Sam Bulte incident. The article explains what happened with plenty of links for specific information."

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