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Comment Re:Hell yes! (Score 1) 660

If they don't want people installing their OS on 'unapproved' machines, they have a simple and clear course to follow, don't sell the OS without a machine.

I can see that happening. And then, on Slashdot: I bought the OS with my computer, it's mine. Why shouldn't I be able to put it on my PC? And then: I bought this computer, I have a right to the OS upgrades, which is why I pirate it and install it on my older mac.

Ah Slashdot, where you can rationalize ANYTHING.

Comment You don't understand "innovation" (Score 1) 545

Innovation isn't taking an idea out of nothing. Innovation is doing something that hasn't been done before. The difference between a side-scroll wheel and the front wheel on the iPod was night and day. The difference between the iphone's touch screen and UI compared to a Treo is night-and-fucking-day.

I'd imagine if someone developed a time-machine you'd say they just built off of Einstein's work. It's true, but it means you completely missed the point.

Comment Re:This makes me dream... (Score 1) 570

Cingular (pre-merger) once claimed I had sent 175 test messages in the span of a minute and charged me some ridiculous fee. This is before mass-texting was even available. I complained, and the "Tech Support" person's response was "Computers don't make mistakes, sir".

Looking back, it was good the conversation was over the phone, or I might still be in jail.

Comment Re:Oh Noes! (Score 5, Insightful) 583

And I have to disagree. No one took their xbox jogging. First, you set up the straw man that disc damage only occurs when people flip an xbox from side to flat while turned on. That is untrue.

1) This occurs when simply moving the xbox, not flipping it. Considering every single computer, DVD player, or cd-based console (ps1, ps2, dreamcast) I've owned has allowed me to move it with a disc in it, this is not "normal" cd drive behavior.

2) This occurs when the xbox screws up. It scratched the hell out of my PGR3 disc when we had a power failure. Luckily, Xbox support was nice enough to replace it. I've never had that happen with a console, dvd player, or computer before either.

3) The console is not stable in the upright position. If you're going to advertise the product that way, it needs to be stable enough to be used in that manner. Tower computers are stable, the 360 is not. A slight tug on a cord (which you can imagine happens during gameplay) and that thing will topple over easily possibly breaking itself.

Microsoft didn't get the hardware right. They *did* get support right, and have paid dearly for their hardware mistakes. Let's see if they're better at it the 2nd time around.

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