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Comment Re:Hmm I might get one (Score 4, Interesting) 307

One of the most important features is the "Other Half" or whatever they're calling it, which is basically a back cover with a digital interface. There are already projects in motion to produce back covers with slide-out keyboards, extra batteries, among other things.

This feature has been seriously underplayed, it's one of the most exciting things about the whole phone!

Comment Paired with.... (Score 4, Insightful) 307

Paired with here means that the phones are sold by the telecom operator in their stores(first the pre-orders are fullfilled), but there are no requirements for contracts and no sim-locking.

The online shop is Jollas own. I just paid for my pre-order phone through their website.

Comment Re:The cost and use of plastic bags (Score 1) 470

It's rare that the trash I produce takes up more space than the groceries I've carried home. Right now I have 4 or 5 plastic bags from previous trips waiting neatly rolled up under my sink. For when I take out the next filled bag. I've never run out of trash bags, and never bought a roll specifically for that use.

My recommendation; ban flimsy bags, and make only the big (40L is almost standard here) strong ones out of biodegradable materials.

Comment The cost and use of plastic bags (Score 5, Interesting) 470

Ok, so plastic bags in the grocery stores here in Finland have cost somewhere between 15-30 Euro cents for, well forever. I could get a proper cloth grocery bag to reuse, or buy paper bags instead, but I choose not to. Why? I use those plastic bags for my trash!

So if I did go cloth or, heaven forbid, paper, I'd still have to buy plastic bags to put in my trash cans. It doesn't matter if I buy them separately or on a roll, I'm going to keep buying those plastic bags until I come up with a better way to get rid of my trash.

Comment Re:BYOD is doomed for tests (Score 1) 55

In this case, some of these problems are non-issues. The exam is a national exam, taken simultaneously all over the country. So a "leaked exam" doesn't really matter once the exam has started since everyone that's supposed to be taking it, is sitting there taking it. The test timing is done on clock. The real one on the wall. Time from 9am to 3pm. Doesn't help if you can pause the program...

As for the internet part, they just need to have bootable USB-sticks, with the exams on them, tagged with the name and ID of the exam taker. The students boot the exam under supervision, and start. The answers are then saved locally onto the stick, and collected at the end of the day. Alternatively, a central exam server is put up locally(with no internet access), the computers connect to that for login/exam saving.

Also, these exams are overseen be at least 2 people at all times, and they're were sensitive to people breaking rules. Carrying a mobile phone is enough to get your exam failed, sometimes even all the exams of that spring/fall nulled. So any activity that's off from the normal test-taking would raise suspicion.

Comment Re:Why the anti-electric car meme? (Score 1) 559

Every iteration of diesel vehicles are proclaimed as wonderful high-efficiency non-smoking vehicles, but they all emit clouds of smoke anyway.

Just by this statement alone I'm assuming you don't live in Europe. Europe has had 20 years of HUGE improvement in diesel cars, and VW has been exporting this to the US for quite some time. Just because U.S citizens haven't adopted it doesn't mean the technology isn't there. Today diesel cars are way cleaner than comparable gasoline cars(if equipped with a particle filter, which all but the cheapest ones are), and in some European countries have a 50% market share for new car sales.
As for CFLs, if you can tolerate the 10 second "warm-up", the 90% energy savings are quite amazing and even the CFLs from IKEA are good enough to use around the home in places where you don't need glaring "office-type" lighting. Not the mention the longer lifetime. And soon those will be replaced by LED lighting anyway. Hell, the bulb in the reading light I have on my desk and next to my bed is LED, and it's brilliant. I'm curious to see how long this will work. I'm worried I might not see the day it burns out.

Comment Re:Bad comparison anyway (Score 1) 559

First of all, this comparison is ridiculous because it's an attempt at FUD by the ICE proponents. "OMG! Electric car less efficient than SUV, so now you can buy this SUV without feeling bad about it!"

Let's do this right, let us find a rear-wheel drive 300hp U.S-made luxury sedan, like the 2008-2012 Cadillac STS with the 3.6L V6, and for extra fun the Mercedes CLS 350 BlueEfficiency.
NOTE: The Mercedes has an impressive fuel efficiency of 35mpg/32mpg!

Now compare these RWD luxury sedans in efficiency through a highway cycle, city cycle, and around Laguna Seca raceway!
And then take into account lifetime costs for use, production and compare the differences in technology that have been mentioned earlier in this discussion.

Comment Re:Will it get stuck? (Score 1) 210

If those hard drives experience a 250G+ shock(shock tolerance of modern hard drives when not powered) when hitting the bottom of the vending machine I'd be surprised. Especially since it seems to bottom is slightly padded, for sound deadening and protecting against damage.

Or did you mean using them as a means to unstuck other items?

Comment Re:Hyperbolie much? (Score 1) 543

First, yes Apple is keeping to the requirement with the micro-USB adapter, but since no-one will be carrying it around, the iPhone 5 users will not get the advantage of just using a friends charger(especially now that their friend needs to have a Lightning-charger instead of the quite ubiquitous 30-pin).

One link to refute your point on digital video:
Uncompressend 1080i. Yup.

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