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Comment Re:Job security (Score 1) 299

Lol, not sure why you are marked down, but I agree. I don't want some young whippersnapper to come in and out-program me with a K-12 education either.

The moment I can't program better than a 5th grader is the moment I start finding Jeff Foxworthy hilarious and watch reality TV exclusively.

Comment C++ still amazes (Score 1) 254

I don't consider C++ code itself to be confusing or poor, but I think there can be significantly more done to modernize the language, including it's IDE and compilers to remove the contrivances of headers, slow compile and retarded linkage. Considering that large C++ projects could still take hours to compile on over-spec'd monster boxes, compared to modern languages that takes only a few seconds to compile on a far leaner machine, it is obvious C++ needs some serious overhaul at its core.

Comment Still sucks (Score 2, Insightful) 127

I mean ok, yes, it plays everything under the sun. But not very well.

For something as widely popular and prolific as VLC, I simply don't understand why its not the pre-eminent media player that rivals anything on the market...without any compromise. The UI of VLC sucks, still, especially tablet incarnations of it, and while it might load a video, often the video craps out even though it plays perfectly fine on other dreaded "closed source" media players. Simply being able to load a video format is not "support" of that video format, it should play flawlessly and have all the capabilities to track throughout the movie with having it hang for several minutes. Its the 21st century, I shouldn't have to wait for video to load regardless of what format it is.

VLC is the prime example debunking the myth that open source software is better because its community developed. If the community actually invested more effort into improving VLC code rather than just lauding its superiority then VLC would actually be the best media player on the market.

Comment not a big issue (Score 1) 665

I mean considering some of the ridiculous key-combos required on a Mac over the years both before and during OS startup, I bless Microsoft for only requiring 3 fingers to get things moving.

I think at one time I had to use both hands and my tongue in order to get my Mac out of a retarded state, and it didn't even thank me afterwards.

Comment Stupid politicians (Score 1) 348

I mean really, searching for Images through a Google webpage is why Google can block child porn.

Torrenting has nothing to do with Google.

Do these politicians really believe Google is the main server of the Internet?

I will agree that Google could stop search results for prolific torrent sites, but seriously, people who pirate are not starting their day searching for content on Google.

Comment Good, lets start the ball rolling (Score 1) 473

I mean yes, sites like Slashdot allow us trollers a place to vent our frustration, flaunt our myopic views, point out grammar errors, and exercise our sarcasm detectors, it's the whole point of Slashdot after all.

But I mean not EVERY website has to be social.

It has gotten very ridiculous that at the end of every online news story there is more than a dozen stupid little icons asking people to like this or plus that or follow up or whatever. And then posted after those icons is some of the most inane commentary found on the planet.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Slashdot has some real doozies when it comes to trollers and posters, but have you actually read commentary from people that are not typically involved in posting online? I mean go to your local newspaper (I mean local, not the NY Times or some big national rag, but like the Podunk Kronical or something). Read some of the commentary there.

I mean the troll wars people go into over a story about Firefighters rescuing some old woman's cat or other such nonsense, endless rants about wasting tax money on a bastard moggie and not a proper breed.

Ultimately I think Slashdot got it right, let people PULL a story onto it and open it up for discussion and moderate and rank them according to interest rather than the Podunk Kronical just slapping social network badging and a discussion board at the end of all website content.

So I'm glad to see Pop Sci woke up and got rid of a useless remnants of social networking 1.0. Considering that many people are getting their news through aggregation services like Flipboard or Google+ or even Slashdot, it doesn't make sense for the original sites to maintain their own comment board.

Comment Re:Proprietary on top of linux = no control for us (Score 1) 271

Why would you even be concerned about this?

First, who the fuck are you? Ain't nobody got time to waste spying on you. I can honestly say that there is nothing going on in your life that anybody needs to worry or care about.

Second, its a game console. What are they really going to gleen by tapping into your gaming habits, are they going to figure out you need to be pushed more viagra ads?

Also yes, it's not something you control, its a game console. If you want control, buy a fucking shoebox and stuff it full of the hardware you want to use, end of story. Not everything has to be open. You're just bitching because you can't cheap out with a ~$400 console and make it into something you want it to be that would otherwise cost you more money.

Lastly, what is the alternative? If you are really afraid of "spying" then stay off the Internet and go back to gaming on the NES.

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