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Comment Re:Okay, hardware sucks, but what about the softwa (Score 1) 177

15 years ago, most distros did not work out of the box on most *current* hardware then. The common quip in forums then was: "Oh, you did not check all the hardware for Linux compatibility before you bought it? It's your fault then". Then we got spoilt by Ubuntu which worked out of the box on most hardware.

Desktop effects did not work on most computers for many years or at least made the desktop unstable after some use.

I think you are pining for a past that never was. You *could* make old hardware work with Linux, but only with some effort. You always toned down your fancy desktops when running on old hardware. If you want to make old hardware work, try a stable, mainstream distro like Debian or Ubuntu, not some "preview" distro. For that old hardware, I'd go with Lubuntu desktop.

Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 2) 492

> Pointer and String handling are also better in Pascal

Used to be better. C++11 string handling and pointer features are certainly better than what Object Pascal can offer now.

The best parts about Delphi were everything except the language. VCL, IDE and the fast compiler were all great and I still favor them. The language itself was, although very clean, not as productive to work in (just tiedious to type and too verbose to read - no complaints about its semantics). It was however well-modified to support IDEs. It was Delphi that first had language level support for properties, event_handlers and the like.

I still use Lazarus/FreePascal, but wish that I could use/mix modern C++ into the projects.

Comment Lazarus (FreePascal) via CodeTyphon (Score 2) 264

Lazarus is pretty good. It is a Delphi like/compatible IDE based on FreePascal. I always thought that Delphi's approach to DB GUIs was the most straightforward.

CodeTyphon is a good cross-platform distro for Lazarus that bundles lots of components. It also specializes in cross-compilation. But you are probably not looking for that aspect. It can target multiple GUI toolkits including Win32, Qt & GTK with the same set of components. I am surprised why it isn't more popular. Perhaps it is because Delphi is not as well known as C++/Java/.NET. While I am not a particular fan of Pascal, the component framework (Delphi: VCL, Lazarus: LCL) makes it worth while.

Comment Re:"free" education costs too much (Score 4, Insightful) 703

Adam Smith's capitalism isn't what is in charge today. Why talk about some idealized version of capitalism that never was, beyond small town bakers that Adam Smith observed (you are not the only one who has read some economics). The world moved on. Its better to read Piketty than Smith to keep up with the times.

BTW, it makes it a lot easier to cuss and complain when you are anonymous, doesn't it. Does it feel good?

Comment Re:"free" education costs too much (Score 4, Insightful) 703

You pretty much hit the nail on its head. When most governments take socialist action, it is because of socialist motives (people demanded it). When US takes socialist action, it is because of capitalist motives (businesses lobbied for it). So cost controls, either through regulation or via competition with the public options (in US, public option often ends up being publicly-funded option, rather than publicly-run option) are quickly ruled out as infeasible or unfair for privates. Then everybody nods their heads on how government is not the solution.

This is not to say that a bit of this does not happen in other countries, but seems to be especially problematic in US.

Comment Debian - all of it. (Score 1) 223

Download all the Debian DVDs. The full repo has nearly everything you might conceivably need in terms of software and dev tools. Make sure you take two copies of the data. The last thing you want is a disk dying unexpectedly. It is safer to have one copy as optical disks. I actually did this when I left for a rural location.

I'd download some Coursera courses and fill my ereader as well.

Of course, the best thing to do there would be to enjoy the scenary and practice mindfulness. I am sure you will be doing that as well.

Comment Re:No, but schools will take a second look (Score 1) 232

I used Lyx initially for the same reasons and exported to PDFs. Soon it became apparent that it was much easier to just pass Word files since I could just click to accept or reject suggestions (I know Lyx can do that as well... if the people on the other side also use it) from my advisor who used Word. So I exported to Word and stayed there. Plus using Zotero with Word was much easier than with Lyx. I also liked the grammar checker in Word, flawed as it may be (it is popular to criticize it, but I liked it). There is LanguageTool integration for Lyx, which can be more comprehensive, but is also weakly integrated. I do hope to furrther use Lyx in the future though.

Comment Re:No, but schools will take a second look (Score 1) 232

> Students can write their reports and essays using LaTex

Good luck getting anyone outside CS to do that. Even if the student learns LaTeX, he/she won't likely be able to collaborate with other students/advisers easily. Exporting and importing into/from PDFs is not really a solution when edits are involved.

> I cannot think of a valid reason students should be learning a proprietary application.

The most common and valid reason is when other people you work with want to use a proprietary application and you are not in a position to make them do otherwise.

Comment Re:too expensive (Score 2) 136

Indeed. I wonder how much the Bill of Materials is. The innovation premium appears to be too high on this one.

Cars are quite reasonably priced in US. Why are motorcycles so expensive though? (lack of a mass market making them special interest products?) For the price of an $800 electric wheel, one can buy an entire motorcycle from a recognized brand in Asia (starting from $500), where cars cost about the same as in US.

Comment Re:Open Source == Free Labor (Score 1) 284

Unpaid, hobby work can produce Dillo. It cannot produce Firefox or WebKit. A Dillo does not diminish the value of the paid programmers at Mozilla.

Open Source allows money making vendors to collaborate. For instance, the Apache project produces open source code from many profitable vendors. Each project may not be viable when executed by any single vendor. But together, it makes the work lighter and the individual vendors can focus and compete on their core strengths while sharing the common load. Note that everyone is making money in the process.

> even though about 99% make zero money

Where are you drawing these numbers from? Most of the quality open source code is from paid people working on the clock. Are there many small projects done off the clock? Sure. But a very large chunk of critical and widely adopted code is created and maintained by paid people, with occasional exceptions leading to bugs like Heartbleed.

There are projects that are meant to be open source projects (especially common infrastructure bits that we can all agree on) and there are projects that make economic sense only as proprietary projects and there is stuff in between. Open source is adding value, not diminishing it. You are seeing software value as a closed system when it isn't. Many of the traditional ideas of material markets don't exactly translate to software markets. Given the vibrancy and growth of software markets, it is that the other [markets and human enterprises] should take lessons from software markets when valid, not that the software markets should learn from classical markets.

Comment Re:Open Source == Free Labor (Score 1) 284

You don't understand open source at all. There is nothing that says you cannot have a business model on top of open source. Most of the open source software I use is written by paid programmers.

Also, not every creative activity needs to be an economic activity. Many of the cherished human accomplishments through history were not driven by economic motives. Only a subset of activities which can be predictably modeled with cost-benefit analyses lend themselves to be cast as economic activities. If you entirely stick to such things, you will have more in common with ants and bees than with being human.

When I do work for an economic motive, I have expectations of fairness, transparency and justice. I do not surrender these expectations by merely engaging in non-economic activity.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
