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Comment Re:I switched to OS/X (Score 2) 249

Command+Tab switches Applications, and Command+` switches between windows within an application. Word does some font cacheing stuff that can make it take a very long time to start up sometimes. In older versions at least, turning off the font live previews made startup a ton faster.

Comment Re:Because I'm unaware, I'll ask... (Score 1) 323

I'm not sure if you were just being super sarcastic and my sarcasm detector is a bit off, but Hulu and Netflix have both announced that their apps will be out in the next few months. American Express does in fact have an Android app. It is called American Express For Android. I began at the end of your list and started working my way back, but before I got bored I found TED, CNN, and NPR apps.
You do have a point about games unfortunately. There was a Plants Vs Zombies port/clone that got pulled from the market, although there is supposedly a real version from Popcap that will be out during the summer. Plants Vs. Zombie is really sort of an exception. The quality/amount of android games is somewhat disappointing.

Comment Webmail? (Score 1) 135

Unless I'm missing something, there isn't actually a register button on the registration page, although there is an alert about some service being available within a month in the page source (
However, it's nice of them to tell you in the FAQ how secure your loin info is in their database when they also embed your attempted login info in the URL in plaintext

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