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Comment Re:Don't worry (Score 2) 258

Nigeria managed to contain it.
Admittedly they have seen Ebola before, but they seem to have a more modernized health care "infrastructure" (facilities) than the regions where Ebola is out of control. I would be willing to bet that the US has a much higher density of health care facilities with supplies and personnel.

Comment Re:How could hospital miss the obvious? (Score 1) 258

Considering obamacare is the law of the land (all fifty states) and hospitals can't refuse service on the bases of insurance stop trolling.

Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA)
"In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide STABILIZING [emphasis added] treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented."

Hospitals CAN and DO provide minimal treatment for "non-emergent" cases. Hence, the "take two of these and come back if it gets worse" treatment. Yes, logical forward-thinking people might conclude that "this person came from Africa, could be Ebola". However, this isn't TV, and a plucky nurse isn't going to get her hospital to take a person for an expensive admission "just in case it isn't a bad cold".
MAYBE after the hysteria, that scenario might happen, especially in that city. Maybe not.

Comment Re:Being An Ignorant Dipshit is Taking Over (Score 1) 280

If they thought it was a right, they would have involved the government.
WHY do some dumb people seem to equate asking for a change or voicing dissent to a private company as asking for "special" rights?
And because you don't use FB you can't imagine why anyone else would want to. Shocker - other people want do different things than you do.

Comment Re:Financial Natural Selection (Score 1) 92

In the perfect world where you only use systems you understand, the provider of the system is completely forthcoming with telling you how it works, including the limitations and things it can't do. (I suppose Richard Stallman would be the king in that world)

In the real world, sales and PR departments will shriek like banshees on a moonless night if you use the word "limitation" when describing your system.

By the way, do you understand how your city water and sewer systems work? I mean, REALLY understand it?

Comment Re:Hiding shady practices (Score 1) 202

Not every state is like that. Must be nice.
Maryland is one example of a state where the police run tags at a whim. They used to call it in to dispatch, then they got portable terminals in their cars. On officer I know boasted of how well he could touch type a license plate number into his terminal. Then he got a laptop, and had to relearn how to type.
Many states have plate scanners so the officer doesn't have to take their hands off the wheel.

Comment Re:Hiding shady practices (Score 1) 202

BINGO - private companies can store things for any "business purpose". They should just go commercial and sell a list of people who regularly drive around Wal-Mart to the Target marketing department for "directed marketing coupons". BTW, see the comment below this one about the guy from Florida being "flagged" by the Maryland State Police because he had a CCW permit in another state. No warrants, no record.

Comment Re:Severla months ago... (Score 1) 202

They don't have enough patrol cars to pull over all the cars on the highway with that combination. They obviously ran his plate, looked at his record, which is probably clean, since he got a CCW permit. After that, would any logic suggest he was a drug mule? The police officers I know say the condition of the car and how the driver acts is more significant than if the driver is a Latino. How they are dressed factors in, too.
The article say nothing about the driver are also usually an being questioned about drugs. It seemed like there was a very narrow focus by the police on the location of "the gun". No drug detection dogs. Nothing about drug suspicions.

Comment Re:When you get a car you MUST (Score 1) 202

They aren't replicating the DMV records. They are storing data and can map where your car has been driving. BIG difference. When they start giving out tickets because you "obviously" had to exceed the speed limit to be seen at intersection X and then 3 minutes later at intersection Y. Then they will question everyone the scanners saw within 1/4 mile of a murder. They might start pulling over people seen entering gun store parking lots. (Actually, they probably do that already)

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