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Comment Maybe I'm the odd man out (Score 1) 1162

Blu-ray has completely supplanted DVD in my movie buying, wherever I have the option.

The picture quality difference is very apparent, even on my smaller TV. I can't imagine going back to DVD for must haves, and I haven't seen any larger delays or increases of can't-skip stuff on Blu-ray vs DVD. In fact, for the Disney stuff my kid watches, the DVDs are far worse for unskippable previews (something which is immediately apparent because of their combopacks - whenever we accidentally put in the DVD instead of Blu-ray, it takes three times as long to get to the same movie).

Comment Re:BCC still existed? (Score 1) 366

People that don't recognize that they've been Bcc'ed and handle it appropriately appear to be dorks (or dipweeds).

To be fair, the most prevalent clients in business (Outlook at the desktop, and Blackberries on the go) don't warn you that you appear to have been BCC'd. Probably due to it being really hard to tell if you were truly BCC'd or just received the email via some bizarre nesting of distribution lists, but it's still fairly common for people to not notice they weren't explicitly listed.

Comment Re:I would be very concerned (Score 1) 532

The maps still haven't explained why service drops in the elevator at work.

At a guess, I would say the combination of the rebar cage in the concrete around the shaft, being deep inside the rest of the office building's concrete/rebar structure, and then finally the metal of the elevator car itself. All three together cause too much attenuation.

Comment Function re-ordering inside the image? wow (Score 5, Insightful) 141

I have to say, the most impressive/innovative tweak, to me, was the re-ordering of required functions in the compiled binary. Doing so allowed them to reduce load time, by making it that only two blocks had to be demand-read off the flash filesystem, instead of four.

That's some crazy, use-the-drum-spin-as-timing, innovative thinking right there. Serious kudos.

Comment Surprised it's voluntary (Score 1) 205

When I saw the title in my feed, I immediately wondered how much of a pain in the ass this would be for me, getting Amber alerts for the US while I'm in Canada, given FB's track record of implementations.

Honestly surprised and pleased that it's a subscription thing, although it just being yet another app you can subscribe to makes me wonder why it's /. newsworthy.

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