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Comment Ubiquity (Score 1) 601

There isn't enough incentive to get ordinary users on board. Without recipients' use of PGP/GnuPG, I have no public keys to use and cannot encrypt my e-mails. I sign 99.9% of my e-mails, but nobody ever checks the signatures. Sometimes people ask me what the headers are about, and I'm happy to explain it to them. They usually don't end up caring. Again, to be more blunt, ordinary users see no incentive to get on board.

Comment Gattaca (Score 5, Insightful) 240

Well, if that isn't the start of Gattaca-esque trait selection, I don't know what is. Just don't let anyone select candidates for sports on the basis of the gene, okay? Give people with or without the gene a chance of doing what they like best, regardless of the statistics.

Comment The Benefit of Backups is Non-Obvious (Score 5, Interesting) 403

Seriously. Most people aren't willing to put in the effort to determine just how bad things would be if they had to resort to their (often inadequate) backups, and therefore they aren't willing to pay the time and capital to get adequate backups.

If you want your company to get better backups, run a simulation of what would happen if something failed. What's the best recovery you could do? What business would you lose? Then calculate the probability of that failure occurring, and be generous.

Comment Re:Good (Score 5, Interesting) 257

But it's not increasing the attack surface at all. If it's pure javascript, the interpreter is already there anyway. Any attack on PDF.js would exist in the interpreter independently of PDF.js. In fact, this reduces the attack surface by requiring one less program to accept arbitrary data from the network.

Comment Corporations... Right (Score 1) 2247

Try depending strictly on yourself and entirely corporate-provided goods for a month. Ignoring the fact that you're able to breathe the air without taking in a lethal dose of toxic fumes, I think you'll find it very expensive to get goods shipped to you without using government-built and maintained transportation services. You death would be swift too. Make no mistake.

Comment Tamper Evident (Score 1) 65

Maybe on a wired connection you'd be right. I'm inclined to think that wireless, doing something to detect tampering could be possible. You probably wouldn't be able to guarantee that you can create a connection at all, but it might be an improvement for some to be able to connect only if tampering can be ruled out with some probability.

Comment Re:How is that surprising? (Score 1) 100

The only thing surprising about this drive is that normally the 7200 RPM drives come first, before the 5400 RPM drives at that density.

That's patently false for 2.5" HDDs. I can't remember a time when I haven't had the choice of a faster 7200 RPM drive or a higher capacity 5400 RPM drive when notebook shopping.

Comment Patents (Score 5, Interesting) 230

And the patents (from are:

U.S. Patent No. 5,946,647 on a "system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data" (in its complaint, Apple provides examples such as the recognition of "phone numbers, post-office addresses and dates" and the ability to perform "related actions with that data"; one example is that "the system may receive data that includes a phone number, highlight it for a user, and then, in response to a user's interaction with the highlighted text, offer the user the choice of making a phone call to the number")

U.S. Patent No. 6,343,263 on a "real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data" (while this sounds like a pure hardware patent, there are various references in it to logical connections, drivers, programs; in its complaint, Apple said that this patent "relates generally to providing programming abstraction layers for real-time processing applications")

I think I violated these patents just reading this article.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
