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Comment Re:I totally understand in a way... (Score 1) 580

I had to take a "developmental" class to catch up before I could start regular classes. It was a good idea, poorly executed. It was a purely computer-based class (we had to show up to the computer lab, however) and you could take the segments over and over without learning anything, because eventually you'd find the correct answer and move on. It was a waste of time for everyone in the class. Ironically, when I dropped out of computer science I still needed one math class for my History major. I took a basic college algebra class with a great professor over the summer. I learned more about algebra in that six week class than I had since algebra was first introduced to me in middle school. That should have been the development class.

Comment Re:I totally understand in a way... (Score 1) 580

Oh, absolutely. Other than math classes, I was a "without effort" A or B student. And aside from math, that remained true in college, actually. By the time I hit law school and I actually had to study to get a decent grade, I realized the fact that I had been able to get by just in what I absorbed in class without study was not beneficial.

Comment I totally understand in a way... (Score 4, Insightful) 580

I started in college as a comp sci major. I already knew how to program in BASIC, C, and C++ with reasonable proficiency and was excited about the major. However, I had a string of lousy math teachers until high school and struggled with algebra. Oddly, I was always fine with trigonometry and statistics, and I never had issues with the logic part of programming (I'm an attorney now). I was drastically unprepared for college mathematics. Because comp sci majors weren't even allowed to take major-required coursework until they had various math prerequisites, I started behind. After I nearly failed a mid-term in math class I barely understood with a TA I literally could not comprehend, I dropped the class and the major. I retreated to my safe zone in history and eventually ended up in law school.

While I'm not disappointed with the way things worked out, since my hands give me trouble just with the typing I do for my job now, I do wonder how different my life could have been if one of my math teachers caught on that I was struggling before my senior year of high school. I finally had a good teacher that last year, and she pulled my aside after class and turned a D to an A, but it was too late by then. I just lacked the skills.

From my perspective, the biggest issue in math education, and really education in general, is grading with no follow up. If a student isn't getting it, failing them doesn't make them get it, and passing them with pity is even worse. This flaw in a lot of education was really hammered home to me in law school when a professor got frustrated her ENTIRE class failed an exam. If the whole class fails, it isn't the students...

Ironically, I always had amazing science teachers. They were always engaged and excited. I usually got good grades. But, one science teacher was the only teacher I ever had who picked up on the fact that I was being teased and then tried to do something about it. And, my aunt is a science teacher, so I may be biased.

My rambling point...they need to be catching the kids who are struggling in second to fifth grade. My math issues started with multiplication in elementary school. I was behind, and no one ever caught it because in our school system you could basically still pass if you didn't understand, provided you just got enough questions right and showed effort...and passing was all that mattered.

Comment JFK? (Score 2, Insightful) 105

I don't mean to be a whiny spoilsport, but with all the congestion in the airspace around NYC, why did they pick JFK to land a slow-moving and delicate aircraft?

There are numerous airports at the periphery that are significantly less busy, like Stewart International or Islip/McArthur that could have been used for this event. The need to avoid wake turbulence and make sufficient room in the pattern to accommodate such an aircraft had to be a pain to manage.

Regardless, excellent achievement in a cool aircraft.

Comment Use for AMBER alerts improper and dangerous. (Score 3, Insightful) 199

I was furious when they started using weather radios to announce AMBER alerts and I'm equally annoyed they are extending that to this system as well. These systems were designed for major public emergencies. Use for AMBER alerts and other emergencies impacting only small groups of people will only encourage people to ignore or deactivate their alert enabled devices. Here where I live, weather radios routinely go off for AMBER alerts. The average radio also goes off for a variety of minor weather issues, rather than only triggering for weather warnings. Many people simply unplug their radios after being woken up one too many times by a screaming alert radio letting them know there is a thunderstorm WATCH or AMBER alert. I imagine people will similarly disable all the available phone alerts, because the system will simply trigger far to often and annoy them. I know the very first thing I did when I read this article was find and disable the AMBER alert option. The settings were omitting from the article. You can find them in Settings >> Notifications, located at the bottom. There are two options, one to disable/enable AMBER alerts and another to disabled/enable "Emergency Alerts."

Comment Re:ATT is forcing users onto Uverse (Score 2) 347

I hope it decays soon in my neighborhood. Currently, AT&T only offers DSL at 1.5 down, despite the fact that I'm in a built up area. They routinely call or mail me begging me to come back, offering me up to X/Y speeds, then when I remind them they don't offer that here they get all confused. My only decent option is from my nemesis Comcast.

Comment Re:Peeved. (Score 1) 511

Simple. The game appeared worth some minor annoyances here and there. I certainly was not anticipating a complete inability to play for the entire release week. I was wrong. Provided Valve doesn't go off the deep end and require an always-on connection for HL2:ep3 or HL3 (which is about the only other game franchise I'd ever consider putting up with this crap just to play), this is the last time I'll make this mistake.

Comment Peeved. (Score 3, Informative) 511

I preordered a physical copy several weeks ago. I was never able to play the beta, because Amazon delayed my access code until it had ended. I have still not played the game, despite owning a physical copy. Tuesday, the game spent two hours completely downloading itself all over again, despite the physical copy. I was unable to join any servers in the US. It them refused to create a city once I was able to join a server in Europe. I gave up. Tried again Wednesday, still could not creat a city. Today, all servers were busy. Eventually got through, but was only allowed to play the tutorial, and about two minutes in the servers dropped out. Then back to unable to create city. Frankly, I knew this was coming. I hate EA for what they've gradually done to Maxis since the acquisition. I knew always-on DRM and shunting the region math onto the cloud was going to mean connection issues. What I didn't fully know is that my saves are on the server, and I cannot even create a game if the server is down. I love SimCity...I can remember many hours spend with SimCity (the original), SimCity 2000, SimCity 3000, and SimCity 4...and this looks like a welcome update. Shame I cannot play it.

Comment Not the US...US based lobbyists. (Score 1) 108

"Fears of the U.S. exerting undue influence..." Please don't conflate US based lobbyists exerting influence with the US itself exerting undue influence. Admittedly, we have been known to do that, but at least make the distinction when the offending party is a private party and not the United States itself/themselves.

Comment Unneeded worry in submitter's summary... (Score 1) 469

The submitter injected unneeded worry. According to Ford via USAToday: "The driver can overcome assistance and vibration at any time by turning the steering wheel, accelerating or braking" The article also uses the word "nudge" in reference to the control input, so I read all this to mean the system won't be fighting drivers. See: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2011/12/ford-says-fusion-sedan-will-get-lane-departure-system/1

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