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Submission + - Lost Planet: Extreme Dissapointment

mikemuch writes: "With the release of the demo for Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, the public gets its first look at what DirectX 10 has to offer, and it's not pretty. Jason Cross at ExtremeTech has benchmarks that reveal shortcomings in the demo and particularly in ATI's cards/drivers. ATI claims they weren't given code early to optimize for. Nvidia doesn't fare too much better when all the eye candy is turned up. The game also needs to be re-interfaced for the PC, as opposed to a wholesale port of the Xbox version. Stick this one back in the oven, it's not done."
The Internet

Submission + - Michigan Wi-Fi Freeloader Faces Felony Charge

Aaron writes: Broadband Reports has an interesting piece up about a Michigan man who was charged with felony "Unauthorized use of computer access" for using free Wi-Fi outside of a cafe. The charge comes with a maximum of five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine. The interesting bit being that neither the man, the cafe, nor the police chief who chatted him up repeatedly had any idea he was committing a crime. At least not until the police officer decided to do some research and find a law he interpreted as being broken, anyway.
Linux Business

Dell Linux Details 288

jon_anderson_ca writes "Dell, through their direct2dell website, has released some details of their soon-to-be-available Linux machines. Among the highlights: Only hardware that works with Linux is offered; open-source drivers are used where possible; binary drivers for Intel wireless cards, etc.; and no support for proprietary media codecs. Seems reasonable, but it's too bad that Click2Run isn't in Ubuntu 7.04 for the sake of those wanting to (legally) play DVDs, use AVI files, etc." The direct2dell site divulges no details on what models will be offered with Linux. For those we turn to linuxquestions.org, where proprietor Jeremy published a scoop last week: "We will be launching a Linux based OS (Ubuntu) on the E520, 1505 and XPS 410 starting next Thursday, 5/24."

Submission + - ABC breaks on-line video viewing for Linux users

Anonymous Coward writes: "It used to be that with Firefox 2.0 with the flashplayer 9 plug-in you could view the videos on www.abc.com. A while ago they announced that their "new" player would only work on Windows XP and Mac however they did leave a link to the old player which worked just fine with Linux. Today, the old player is no longer an option."
Red Hat Software

Submission + - Open Voting Consortium visits Red Hat Summit '07

nadamsieee writes: Julie Bryce of Red Hat Magazine got the chance to chat a bit with Alan Dechert during the 2007 Red Hat Summit. She asked him some questions; he gave her some answers. Alan stated that "[voting software] is an area ripe for open source software development." Also, when asked how corrupt the current system of voting is, Alan replied "The short answer is that I think the system is quite corrupt, and problems with the voting system are generally underreported in the media."
Portables (Games)

Submission + - Sony Gamers Day Videos (All of the video's)

Jake writes: "http://www.gametrailers.com/sonygday2k7.php Gametrailers posted up all of the video's from Sony's Gamers Day. They have video's from the action packed Heavenly Sword to the painfully funny game PAIN. Theres not just PS3 game video's either, they also have new video's for God of War: Chains of Olympus, Syphon Filter: Logans Shadow, Pursuit Force 2, and many more."

Submission + - SPAM: Cure for Hepatitis C announced!

FiReaNGeL writes: "The use of peginterferon alone, or in combination with ribavirin, points to a cure for hepatitis C, the leading cause of cirrhosis, liver cancer and the need for liver transplant, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher said today. Nearly all — 99 percent — of patients with hepatitis C who were treated successfully with peginterferon alone, or in combination with ribavirin, had no detectable virus up to seven years later. Researchers say this data validates the use of the word "cure" when describing hepatitis C treatment as successful treatment is defined as having undetectable hepatitis C virus in the blood six months following treatment."
Linux Business

Submission + - Blog: Dell Linux desktops/laptops from Thursday

An anonymous reader writes: Jeremy's Blog at linuxquestions.org has a scoop: "I just got the following email forwarded to me by a Dell employee: We will be launching a Linux based OS (Ubuntu) on the E520, 1505 and XPS 410 starting next Thursday, 5/24." The models are an economy desktop (Dimension E520), an economy laptop (Inspiron E1505) and a performance desktop (XPS 410). I cannot wait to see Linux as an OS option:
  • Windows Vista Home Basic [Included in price]
  • Windows Vista Home Premium [Add $30]
  • Ubuntu Linux 7.04 [Subtract ???]"

Submission + - Microsoft Won't Sue Over Linux Patents

An anonymous reader writes: Redmond has no plans to take open-source vendors to court...for now. From a zdnet story: "If we wanted to go down that road we could have done that three years ago," said a Microsoft spokesperson. "Rather than litigate, Microsoft has spent the last three years building an intellectual property bridge that works for all parties — including open source — and the customer response has been tremendously positive. Our focus is on continuing to build bridges." The infringement allegations, made by Microsoft in a Fortune magazine article, were that free and open-source software violated more than 230 of its patents.

Submission + - Stand Alone (Zero Install) Virutal Machine Players

Anonymous Coward writes: "For the Past Few days I have been looking for a Virtual machine player that requires no install. This all relates back to the idea of having a portable iTunes Library on a stick(usb). I saw an article about a US soldier that wanted to be able to fill up his iPod and buy new music from the iTunes store while deployed. The problem is Base computers are locked down tight. To overcome this I thought that a standalone player on one of those 64gb usb sticks with TinyXP running iTunes would fit the bill nicely. TinyXP only takes up 400mb of space and because iTunes eula doesn't let you repackage the software, I think the virtual machine is the only way to go for this guy. Every VM player for windows machines that I can find requires some form of install. My question is this: Is there a Zero install Virtual Machine Player for Windows? Free or otherwise?"

Submission + - All Your Rights Are Belong to Us

cyrusmack writes: "For those of us that thought US copyright law was about the most draconian in the world, we were shocked by today's announcement of a new lobbyist group that wants even stronger copyright law. The group, called the "copyright alliance", features the usual suspects: Microsoft, MAFIAA, Viacom und herr Maus ("Look, it's Walt Disney! Shoot him now!"). Funnily enough, there was no mention of information access rights nor of US copyright law's gross violations of basic human rights. Funny that."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Identical Twins Battle Over Paternety Test

ziggamon2.0 writes: Twin brothers Raymon and Richard Miller are the father and uncle to a 3-year-old little girl. The problem is, they don't know which is which. Or who is who. Since they are identical twins, and have the exact same DNA they are inseparable in paternety tests. How is one to know? And if their DNA is really the same, in a biological perspective, does it really matter?

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