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Comment Re:Like I needed to know. (Score 1) 184

Don't. Last Sat I actually went out to ride my bike along the river walk and I got like 7 mosquito bites on my arms, and I'm kind of sensitive with these texan mosquitoes. Now I have big itchy bumps. I might not be used to their bite because that never happened when I lived in Chile.

Lesson: Don't go out. At least not near river banks ;)

Comment Re:A kernal of sense in an insane mind (Score 1) 1090

I agree with what you say, but I doubt first world countries would start putting birth limits. If anything, right now they're ENCOURAGING couples to have kids because their population is becoming too old and they have no new people to support it. Just look at Japan and some countries in Europe. They all have this problem. The only ones overpopulating are the less "educated" countries. Seems like education = birth control.

Comment Re:Reality (Score 1) 384

Oh, I agree. But I don't meddle MUCH on other people's things. I just did that to satisfy my OCD so I could see his screen "cleaner". I never deleted anything, I just separated what he had in two categories, and that's all I needed to not feel all kinds of wrong inside haha. It was definitely for the aesthetics more than for the core organization. If I DID meddle with that, I don't know if he'd have agreed to marry me hahaha!!

Comment Re:A Law That Guarantees (Score 1) 180

That's an interesting point of view. And yeah, there's no other word for the US citizens to call themselves but "americans", while we in spanish have, like you correctly stated, Estadounidense, which fits perfectly in my own opinion. I don't know about other languages, I'm just talking about the ones I know.

When asked about someone that comes from the US, I call him/her/them "US person/people". I still don't feel quite comfortable calling them "Americans". I do feel a little sorry about it, but between 28 years of south american culture versus 1 year or US culture, is hard for me to shake off the cultural difference.

Comment Re:A Law That Guarantees (Score 1) 180

Yeah, I know what you mean about ethnicity. I am mostly a white caucasian, because the majority of my ancestors came from Europe (I might have mixes in the blood too, who doesn't at this point?). I also come from Chile, which makes me a "latino". But when asked, they give me the option between caucasian OR latino. I don't believe latino is a race. But that's how things are in this country.

Comment Re:The argument for net neutrality (Score 5, Informative) 180

The entity in charge of regulating this is probably the SUBTEL,(Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones, subsecretary of telecommunications perhaps is the translation?). I don't know if you have any idea about politics in Chile, but we have several political parties over there, not only two. Yeah, there are like 3 or 4 that are bigger and with more power than the others, but they don't get to bend government entities the same way political parties in the US do. So in a way, by being more political (more parties), they are less political (the power is more spread). I don't know if that makes sense, but it sounds pretty haha.

Chile doesn't have states like the US. The main divisions are regions. They have their own governmental entities but they're all controlled by the central ones in Santiago, the capital. So regions don't get to do whatever they want either, meaning that if the government creates a law, all the rest of the regions have to follow, and individual regions can't make their own laws.

I hope that helped somewhat to understand a bit how Chile works. Of course, the real question is if the SUBTEL is going to care enough to reinforce the law in all its extent. That's a completely different deal.

Comment Re:A Law That Guarantees (Score 4, Interesting) 180

They do teach poor geography. The rest of the world knows that there's ONE continent called America, that has 3 different sections: North America, Central America and South America. US people like to join together central and south america and call it Latin America, but that's only them. The rest of us know geography. If you look at wikipedia, the english section refers America as the US, while the spanish section shows you America as the ONE continent. Is a cultural difference, but it hurt us non US citizens in the way that we feel americans, but not in the way the US thinks about it. It feels like they robbed us of our continent's name.
The Internet

Network Neutrality Is Law In Chile 180

An anonymous reader writes "Chile is the first country of the world to guarantee by law the principle of network neutrality, according to the Teleccomunications Market Comission's Blog from Spain. The official newspaper of the Chilean Republic published yesterday a Law that guarantees that any Internet user will be able to use, send, receive or offer any content, applications or legal services over the Internet, without arbitrary or discriminatory blocking."

Comment Re:Reality (Score 1) 384

Oh boy, you made me remember something funny I did to my bf-now-husband the first time I saw his desktop. I'm an organized person when it comes to my screen, and I only have necessary, everyday use, icons in my desktop (yeah, windows user here too, I'm a big gamer). But when I saw his screen for the first time, it made me scream inside and I went all obsessive-compulsive on it. His screen was FULL of icons. Icons AND files. And no organization at all. So I just created a folder named CRAP THAT SHOULD BE DELETED and another named CRAP THAT MIGHT BE IMPORTANT and organized his desktop. He almost died when he saw it ahahaha. I never actually deleted anything, but I guess I disturbed his "organized chaos". I swore not to do it again. But I avoid looking at his screen ;).

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