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Comment Re:Any movement away from Microsoft is good. (Score 1) 564

The AARD never worked in a shipped version of Windows. Stop getting worked up.
And Netscape made plenty of big mistakes, including this one
Not to mention that the code was hugely bloated, that Mozilla Firefox is still trying to fix, after ~15 years. An OS that didn't ship with a browser would be laughed out of the market.

There are plenty of such stories about Apple or Google too, but they're not pushed like the MS ones seem to be.

For example, see how Google squashed Skyhook

Aliyun and Acer prevented from launching a phone because of the secret rules of the "Open" Handset Alliance.

Apple and the famed 30% cut of even sales from Apps, an example of how they used someone's OSS code in Safari and then banned them from the app store:

Yet you hate on MS and think of Google as a savior. Tell us, what is YOUR interest against Microsoft that you're spreading lies and FUD? The fact that your posts are modded up is the reason that Slashdot is losing readership as even the circlejerk echochamber gets bored with the same hating posts and posters.

Comment Re:Any movement away from Microsoft is good. (Score 1) 564

Personally, I still resent the AARD code that contributed to the collapse of DRDOS. DRDOS was superior to most other DOS operating systems in some ways - among others, it was the first to achieve 32 bit disk access.

Everytime I dig into claims like this, I come away disappointed in the abject FUD that was both absorbed by such posters and the propagation of it, resulting in more people believing it.

AARD was activated only in a late beta. It didn't do anything in the final version

From Wiki:

Since December 1991 a pre-release version of Windows 3.1 was designed to return a non-fatal error message if it detected a non-Microsoft DOS.[5] This check came to be known as the AARD code.[6] With the detection code disabled, Windows ran perfectly under DR DOS and its successor Novell DOS. The code was present but disabled in the released version of Windows 3.1[7]

How exactly did this contribute to the collapse of DR-DOS when it never stopped one DR-DOS copy in the final Windows 3.1 version that actually shipped? Hurt contributions to Computer Science? Hyperbole much?

It's sad that your post is modded up by clueless moderators, and it will continue to propagate ignorant lies and FUD that Slashdot is known for. Not sure if you're just ignorant or just spreading FUD, and I don't know which is worse.

Comment Re:Any movement away from Microsoft is good. (Score 1) 564,18313.html
Users who have rooted are comparatively very less, so it's an uphill battle if you're trying to make money from your apps that need root.

Comment Re:Any movement away from Microsoft is good. (Score 5, Interesting) 564

It isn't necessarily better. For example, you have a lot of system level software under Windows that you can't even sell for iOS and on Chromebooks. And on Android, your users need root before using them, which very few people have. Not to mention the 30% cut of all revenue on both the big mobile stores. In people's rush to hate MS, everyone's promoting even more restrictive software and data being stored in the cloud which users have no control over.

Linus says it best: Microsoft hatred is a disease

I think the Microsoft hatred is a disease. I believe in open development, and that very much involves not just making the source open, but also not shutting other people and companies out.

  There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred."

Comment Re:How about no? (Score 1) 235

Right, and Apple is infringing and not paying the licensing fees. So, why do they get a free pass? Their products should be banned just the same.

They don't get a free pass, just wait for the court to set a rate, and Apple will pay Samsung the amount that the court decides, including past damages. Part of the FRAND obligation is to make it difficult to ban products.

Submission + - Italy Approves 'Google Tax' on Internet Companies

recoiledsnake writes: Italy’s Parliament today passed a new measure on web advertising, the so-called “Google tax,” which will require Italian companies to purchase their Internet ads from locally registered companies, instead of from units based in havens such as Ireland, Luxembourg and Bermuda. Google, for example, says that it sells nearly all its advertising in Europe from an Irish unit, leaving little taxable profits in the countries where its customers are based. That unit in turn pays royalties to a second Irish subsidiary, which says its headquarters are in Bermuda. Google last year moved nearly $12 billion to the Bermuda unit, the majority of its worldwide income, cutting more than $2 billion off its global income tax bill. Google’s Italian unit last year reported total income taxes of just 1.8 million euros, corporate filings show.

Comment Phew (Score 3, Interesting) 47

Thought it was going to get banned like Aliyun because of the stories below.

Anyone know if Jolla phones are banned from being made by the Android OEMs because they're using a third party jvm for compatibility?

Comment Content-free PR speak (Score 0, Troll) 22

The official blog post is almost entirely content free, except for "expanding the role in OIN", not sure why this is newsworthy exactly, except for Google to make PR noises about being open while locking out FOSS from the real things like Chat, Hangouts, Docs, Android forking, and forcing Google+ on everyone etc.

How many of the thousands of Google patents are they actually pledging to OIN? 50%? 80%? 1%?

If you want to read a more interesting take on patents and Google, there is this article.

Comment Re:Slashdot bias.... (Score 1) 94

Huh? Just check recoiledsnake's comment history. You don't need my name for that.

Dissing anonymous comments just for the sake of dissing them is very hacker newsy. Welcome to slashdot where things work a little differently and people judge comments by their merit instead of whether they are made by anonymous perosnas . Also you have a handle. Not a name. So you are as anonymous as I am.

So why not apply that to my post as well instead of judging it by looking at my previous posts? If you think someone gets paid to post on this dying site, you are completely mistaken, at least in my case.

Anonymous users calling registered handles paid shills is exactly like pot calling the kettle black. I dared to put a handle on my post and I am taking the karma hit, while you're just taking potshots while being too cowardly to even register or use your real handle. How can you call into question my comment history while making sure yours is not visible? You're probably a paid Google or Apple shill trying to hide their many postiive comments about them !!!

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