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Comment Re:Pivot (Score 1) 205

Sorry, I've tried that, I have screen rotate support. I use pdf's on one screen, data/email/filesys in the other... yes that works with letter/portrait but I also get legal/landscape pdf's. Needless to say, 16:9 works for legal/landscape but sucks for letter/portrait. 4:3 works for both marvelously. Also too you get crappy viewing angles when in portrait mode

Widescreen is a current darling, maybe so. 4:3 works for business and there is the reason they are so much more expensive. Productivity often suffers on those 16:9's and the makers know it. They probably count on getting 400.00 for a 4:3 that subsidizes the 149.00 16:9. Just let me buy Samsung 204B's at the 250 price point and I'll buy 5 of 'em.

Comment Finally a tablet at a reasonable price. (Score 3, Informative) 205

I recently was gifted a Dell Inspiron Mini 10. I have no complaints (for what it is). It runs fine and what I really like about it is the HDMI output lets me easily hook it up to my plasma and watch movies with netflix. If this was available a month ago I would've seriously considered it, even though it has VGA out. Put an HDMI connector in it and I'd be in heaven.

I have always wondered why they charge such a premium for tablets, just like I still wonder today why I can't buy a large non-widescreen format LCD monitor for < an arm and a leg...

Comment Finally a replacement for my SmartDisplay (Score 2, Interesting) 140

Wow, I am hoping to see this sometime soon as my 10" ViewSonic AirPanel SmartDisplay is getting a little long in the tooth. Still running 902.11B standard! It's slow with today's web but it is the most convenient item in my stable to browse the web away from my office-chair. I can watch TV, read/mod posts on slashdot -or- news on the web -or- read books & tweak my network from the comfort of my couch.

Yeah, it runs Windows CE but everything isn't perfect. Still it's very light, doesn't need a stylus to click on a link or button (though has one). The only way it could be the browser tool even better would be an external Home, Forward and Back buttons in a convenient place on the frame somewhere.

I recently got a Dell Mini10 as a present and a netbook will never replace a small tablet for the way I use the airpanel.


Submission + - Sony Back-Catalog Joins EMusic

phorest writes: According to the New York Times, Sony and EMusic has entered into an agreement to make available and sell their entire back-catalog from before 2007.

In another example of struggling major music labels and Internet services finding common ground, Sony Music Entertainment has agreed to make its back catalog of songs available on eMusic, one of the largest music retailers on the Web.
The company plans to announce on Monday that it will add all Sony Music tracks that are more than two years old, including material from artists like Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel.

The article also mention that EMusic's prices are going to rise on this news as well. Great news except for that price-rise. As a long-time subscriber I both applaud and disagree with the deal. To me it appears that the music bigs (Sony, Time-Warner etc.) are looking to raise the prices not only for them but for independent record labels as well.

Comment Re:"The Stick" is typical in business (Score 1) 367

We actively advise our doctors to take any cash patient they can find and to be fair with them. Their fee schedules are controlled by the medicare allowables in most cases (other than state insurance like workers' comp -or- federal workers' comp) and by fair we mean for them to charge a little more than what they'd ultimately be reimbursed if it was billed to insurance.
They actually make out better this way as they don't have to pay us a percentage. That is going to be a larger part of their future income. They tend to agree mostly.
(Some, though we have no direct knowledge seem to treat that cash patient as their 'walking-around money' already... wink)

Comment Re:"The Stick" is typical in business (Score 2, Interesting) 367

Yes but, remember when you have a payor like the omnipresent federal government, they already use that 'stick' almost daily. Case in point, Medicare just waved a magic wand again with a doctor-friend of ours and instead being reimbursed 80% of the Medicare allowable and they lowered it to 62.5% with no explanation.

So, he gets to treat his patients but get less money for the same labor. I do know this: A lot of doctors will opt-out of Medicare/Medicaid patients altogether very soon. They know there will be a market for CASH patients who neither want their demographics or medical records stored remotely.

They seem to like to penalize doctors under the current system, it'll only get worse.

Comment Re:Cue the Hysteria... (Score 4, Insightful) 408

There's even more profit in REPLACING the now 'breached' current presidential helicopter fleet over these blueprints.
Don't even think that this has primary IT implications.
This is more about giving the polititians cover to continue the cost overruns.

Lockheed-Martin signed a contract four years ago to build 28 new helicopters for $6.1 billion. Numerous Pentagon-mandated changes have ballooned the price tag to $11.2 billion - meaning each of the new choppers would cost $400 million, or as much as Air Force One.

Marine One Upgrade Plan Stirs Debate

A helicopter (one) that costs as much as (one) Boeing 747!


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