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United States

Submission + - U.S. Pennies to be Worth Five Cents?

Z-MaxX writes: As a result of the sky-high copper prices, the U.S. one-cent coin can be worth more when melted down and sold as copper metal. New regulations against the melting down and exporting of coins have recently been passed, but Francois Velde, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, thinks these measures will not be enough. He suggests "rebasing" the penny to be worth five cents.

Submission + - Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 1

nberardi writes: "Mark Russinovich has started a series of articles regarding Vista's/Longhorn's kernel changes. "This is the first part of a series on what's new in the Windows Vista kernel. In this issue, I'll look at changes in the areas of processes and threads, and in I/O. Future installments will cover memory management, startup and shutdown, reliability and recovery, and security.""

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