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Comment Better as a TV Series (Score 1) 536

Spidey would be better done as a TV Series than a movie. They should do it in a similar style to Smallville. I don't mean the prequel aspect, I just mean it should be a lot more character based, exploring how Pete deals with his new powers and how he deals with integrating his activities as Spidey into his ordinary life. In other words it should be a lot more like the comic books dammit!

Comment Re:What's with the lemming movement in IT... (Score 1) 69

Don't worry, these things invariably fail to live up to the hype.

Look back at the "write-once-run-anywhere" Java hoohah. About 10 years ago this was the "next big thing", everyone would be doing it this way, blah blah blah. I even remember evangelising it a bit myself at the time - oh how naive I was back then!

Fast forward to the present and what actually happened? Sure, Java's still there if you want to use it and it's taken over a niche or two - but it completely failed to take the world by storm didn't it?

I strongly suspect we'll see much the same outcome for cloud computing.

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