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Comment Re:Take some time and think (Score 1) 537

That could depend on federal regulations at times. Where I work we had an Intern who needed access to things but had to be denied due to his citizenship. In order to legally give him access he would have had to go though a tedious process that would have taken longer then the time frame he was going to be working with us.

Comment Re:Sure they can (Score 1) 385

he was referring to the last part of the summary in regards to ISP's in general. It was asking if other ISP's could follow suet and he replied with the the information that in the US it would be possible for them to do as a result of current rulings.

Now if they asked if other ISP's in Hong Kong could do this he would have been a little murky as although it has to do with a similar issue it would not be covered by the actual question.

Comment Re:What good is freedom of expression (Score 1) 484

So does that mean slashdot should be held liable for all the libel that happens here? The individule being held accountable is one thing however you cant cold a company to blame fore everything users will post. Once you do that its an easy weapon against said company. Dont like them graffiti them so they will be sued and lose money for something outside of there control.

Anonymous does more then let some one hide who they are. It also lets some one who does not wish to create an account partake in a discussion sometimes adding valuable insight.

Side note:
      Libel = written
      Slander = Spoken

Comment Re:Too easy to circumvent (Score 2, Interesting) 233

I looked into making a viable product like this a while back. You run into too many issues.

First you have to set up the bios on all machines to prevent booting off any device other then the hard disk.

Then you have to password the bios

Then you need to put a physical lock on the computer to prevent some one from opening the case and resetting the bios.

If you manage to do this you then need a dope slap because you can always use ssh or even plain email to get files out. Then what about the occasion where you need usb drives.

Your best bet is controlling the hardware. Making sure the machines do not have USB ports or cdroms. if you cant get them without the usb port then you could insert locks into them of some sort that to remove requires specialized equipment and a code.

Comment Re:Spend MILLIONS of dollars.. (Score 2, Informative) 380

if this was the case wouldn't you then need to look into how the peddles are placed?

I remember one of my parents old cars where you could easily get your foot stuck under the opposite peddle while moving your foot from one to the other. My dad had always told me to be careful of that and I thought he was just pulling my chain until the day it happened to me.

Either way there appears to be an issue, weather its hardware, software, or training. If its training then the question must then be why does this car require special training compared to others and what is said training.

Although I kind of wonder if this wouldn't be better for Myth Busters...

Comment Re:Kids cant be Kids anymore. (Score 1) 427

I have experience with this kind of child and it does not mean they are a poor performer.

For one person something might take 15 minutes while another it takes an hour.

Maybe the difference is the school I have knowledge of was completely staffed by PhD's by the local college in return for use by the student teachers.

Comment Re:1 trial is never, ever statistically wrong (Score 1) 427

However if you follow the scientific notion it does imply that more studies should be done to test if the theory that has been crafted can hold up.

A few issues will come up though. You have to do this to a wide range of students both poor and rich communities to ensure its not just something that works best for a specific social class due to the educators they can afford to attain at those schools. As well as finding parents that will agree to let there children participate in such a test. Most would be hesitant to risk there children education on an experiment making it very difficult to accurately test.

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