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Comment Re:avoiding paradox? (Score 1) 332

You'd never be able to observe the results of the changes made by altering the past.

So you're saying that whatever you do, no one can verify any of that? None of the actions you do are ever going to be observable? In other words, for all intents and purposes, you did exactly NOTHING.

Comment Re:tagging is fine (Score 1) 201

In that case, all that should be needed to have the the picture removed would be to tell Facebook to do so

Facebook allows you to "untag" yourself from any photo, regardless of who tagged you. That's already halfway there.

Going any further than that is too complex, as it would require proof that indeed you are on the photo (and that you are who you say you are), which is far from being automated. Furthermore, other people on the photo might want it to stay.

Comment Re:Bad summary (Score 1) 469

I'd take it a level further. Improper behavior on the forums should result in a ban on the forums. Improper behavior in-game should result in a ban from the game. This is how many online games are handling the issue. When you're dealing with paying customers (as opposed to anonymous users in free games, for example), any counter-measure should be "just enough" to prevent further misconduct and not a step more.

Comment Re:What an amazing offer (Score 1) 123

CCs are good for the merchants too:

1) Having less cash to keep and to transfer to the bank means less risk. (They can transfer part of this risk to an ensured security company, that handles the bank transfer, but the amount of cash will affect the price of the security company service.)

2) People are more likely to buy things when they are not limited by the amount of cash they have on person.

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