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Comment Re:INspector is Right (Score 1) 554

It IS healthy if it comes DIRECTLY from a fruit, although I'll concede that in juice form it's easy to consume too much of it.

Yes, natural apple juice contains sugars, but these are natural sugars and are healthy (in healthy amounts). Remember 'sugar' is a specific type of a hydro-carbon chain, there are a large number of different sugars. Processed table sugar is unhealthy in any amount.

If the juice comes from a fruit, is concentrated, then diluted, then has preservaties, processed sugar and other bits added, THEN it's unhealthy.

Comment Re:new meaning to down under (Score 1) 329

We have pat-downs already, although they are not at all like the genital-grabs that I have heard about from US posters here. According to other articles I've read on these scanners, you cannot choose to have a pat-down instead of going through the scanner. (Some exceptions will be made for medical conditions etc).

If you go through the machine and it detects something, you get a pat-down as well, which seems absurd. Why not just stick with the current system?

Comment Really type 1? (Score 1) 291

I have trouble believing that Hyper-V _really_ is a Type-1 hypervisor as MS claims. How is it that adding a 'role' to a running server suddenly means that the server OS you just installed is now NOT the native/booted system and a separately-booted hypervisor gets installed? Does it create an new bootable partition for the hypervisor and put it there?

I've not experimented at all with Hyper-V, can anyone confirm what happens? Is it really a type-1 or is it just smoke-and-mirrors?

Comment Budgets (Score 2) 102

Discussions about our IT budget is like listening to the four Yorkshiremen.

'We yoosed to 'ave a server that was a shoebox in middle o' road'
"Cardboard box?"
"Yoo were looky! We ran a file server for three moonths on a paper bag in a septic tank"

Comment Re:Bad News for USD (Score 1) 519

Since all oil sales must be settled in USD, without USD one cannot run a modern economy

The US began an intense scrutiny of the Iranian 'Uranium enrichment' program and made all sorts of noises about the Iranians developing weapons, etc.

This happened about the same time that Iran announced plans to open an oil bourse that would trade in Euro's. The US saw the backing for their oil about to disappear, and started rattling their sabre.

This BRICS announcement is a small part of the larger picture. The world has realised that the strength of the US dollar was a giant house of cards, and we are about to see it come tumbling down.

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