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Comment Re:Wrong Title (Score 1) 499

I guess you didn't bother reading the first two paragraphs of the form.

The same questionnaire form is used for performing a background check to determine suitability for sensitive, non-classified positions as well. It also clearly spells out that failing to completely and truthfully complete the questionnaire is ground for denying you employment.

Comment Re:How quickly will they run back to Oracle? (Score 1) 198

Really, Wikipedia, Google, and the NoSQL site itself disagree with you. It was originally called "Not Only SQL" and later many started calling it "No SQL".

The intent of the initial title was to indicate that it was an alternative to SQL, but later in life SQL-like query functionality was grafted into many implementations. It's likely the NHS implementation has sql querying capability if they did a rip-n-replace of the underlying database, otherwise the project becomes immensely larger as you have to re-write or modify everything that touches the database.

Comment Re:Main Problem (Score 3, Insightful) 91

Of course considering the mess Liberia has been in for 20+ years this outbreak is relatively minor and only receiving attention due to sensationalism.

No, it's receiving a lot of attention because the outbreak is not contained to a small remote village as with previous outbreaks. It's not contained at this point (partly due to the lack of govt in these areas), and there is a significant population in danger. The fairly long incubation period of up to a few weeks means this could easily be carried back to major populated areas and spread like wildfire.

Comment Re:Human Subjects (Score 3, Interesting) 91

I think they should be volunteers at the very least.

Given the 90% mortality rate of ebola, I suspect nearly anyone infected will want to volunteer. The problem is that the drug can't be mass produced yet. 10s of doses takes months to produce using the current method, which is genetically modified tobacco plants (bit of irony there). A massive influx of resource is needed to ramp up production.

Comment Re:We already have something functionally similar (Score 1) 111

+1 for informative if I had it. Indium and Gallium are somewhat toxic, and ironically suspected as carcinogenic.

I wonder if the intent was for the metal to get absorbed and held in the tumor rather and slowly poison it more than restrict the blood flow.

Comment Re:Astronomy, and general poor night-time results. (Score 3, Informative) 550

Also the fact that it won't prevent future changes to vision. I'm thirty now, and my vision still continues to slowly get worse. I fear I'd be paying for a 5 year reprieve from glasses and then be back to wearing them with side effects I also have to live with for the rest of my life.

I had PRK since I had too much correct to do normal lasik. Its essentially lasik but they don't cut a flap first, has a longer recovery time, but is actually more accurate than lasik. I went from a -10.5 diopter prescription with contacts (pretty thick if I wore glasses) to 15/20 vision without. The only noticeable side effect was a very slight halo effect around bright objects at night. This is caused by the edges of the laser correction area becoming visible when the iris is fully dilated. For heavier corrections the max diameter of the correction area depends on the prescription and how much material they can take off in the center of the correction area, and for lasik how big they can cut the flap.

I made it about 10 years without glasses after that and now use very light prescription glasses mostly for driving and reading. I still don't need glasses for most things, and its awesome to see the alarm clock in the middle of the night without having to fumble for glasses first. I also don't worry about losing a contact and having to drive home with very impaired vision. I don't regret the decision at all even though I'm back to wearing glasses.

Comment Re:Why did he roll like a pussy? (Score 1) 928

What the fuck does the 1st amendement have to do with this? The airline is a business and they have every right to decline to do business with you and refuse to fly you anywhere. The airline is obligated by FAA rules to disallow disruptive passengers on their planes, so yelling at the agent or refusing to comply with their reasonable instructions means they are legally require to remove you from the plane. If you yell at the McDonalds counter jockey, don't be surprised when they refuse to sell you a burger and ask you to leave.

Comment Re:Customer service? (Score 5, Insightful) 928

I would fire the agent for starters, and whoever was involved.

The gate agent was correct in telling him he could move back in the line to join his kids, but they couldn't cut in line and move up to join him. That's the policy and they tell you this when asking you to line up. The guy was in the wrong and then whined on twitter about how they didn't bend over to kiss his ass. His tweet naming the person could be construed as harassment or slander.

Pulling him off the plane was a poor reaction, even if the intent was just to just to ask him to delete the tweet or at least revise it to delete the persons name. I suspect the agent threatened to call security and have him removed because he continued to be an ass, but that would be a one-sided opinion just like the guy claiming they were rude and threatened him.

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