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Comment Re:More academic integrity headaches... (Score 1) 75

I clicked through the first couple links and didn't see a picture of the hardware. I assumed that Arduino meant small.

Actually though, it doesn't seem to be too much of a stretch to use an Android phone as your internet-facing computer. Probably mostly an academic (hah!) concern though, as you point out.

Comment BCC required (Score 1) 366

As faculty, if including more than one student in an email, we are required to input students' email addresses in the BCC line to protect their privacy. We get a nice reminder whenever we write an email from the online course content system:

Important Privacy Notice: If you copy email addresses for use in another email program, you must use those addresses in the 'bcc:' field when sending email to ensure that student email addresses remain private in accordance with FERPA policy.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
