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Comment Re: Wait, dolphins? (Score 1) 112

Deterrent is probably a good way of putting it since dolphins typically take advantage of an opportunity to attack a shark. I've seen some stories of divers "rescued" by dolphins in what may have been more of a "Oh look! A SHARK!!! I HATE those things!!" than a "Oh look! A human in trouble! I must rescue them!" situation. And sharks may be just intelligent enough to not want to attempt to attack somebody with a dolphin swimming around them.

Comment Re:A more informative article link (Score 1) 112

Yeah in that time period the torpedoes were typically most effective against stationary targets since they were slower or about the same speed. The faster ones I was looking at info on a while back were typically in the 15 - 18 kt range so that thing would have been a speed demon for the time.
(Part of some "War of the Worlds" research I've done off and on over the past couple decades......)

Comment Re:"UNIX-like"??? (Score 1) 105

It's a tangled history with AT&T being greedy pricks over the whole thing. Considering they apparently didn't contribute financially to the project in the early stages that makes it even more interesting. For the most part I always considered the division between BSD and Unix being whether you paid licensing fees to AT&T. It's a very muddy delineation since Unix systems tend to contain BSD code but I guess it keeps the lawyers happy.......

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 996

There's still an absurdly large chunk of the US that has no viable high speed internet not to mention no real public transit. Last place I lived the closest bus stop was 10 miles away and I've lived places where it was MUCH farther to find any public transit. There was no "running up to the corner in your 4WD to get a loaf of bread" (I've seen a similar quote here before) as even Circle K was several miles away and trips to the grocery store were well planned and involved ensuring I had a couple coolers in the back of the truck to keep refrigerated and frozen foods that way on the trip back.

Comment Re:Why not just 0? (Score 1) 996

It's not common but it does happen. Unfortunately the protectionism that's so vital in trying to keep cops safe can take precedence over sanity and people who have no business wielding a badge not only get to do so but end up being protected. If you've not heard of it happening then you haven't seen much in the way of news.

Comment Re: Why not just 0? (Score 1) 996

Yeah it's just one more thing to try to make the world safer but totally ignoring many other factors that kill many more people. Especially with many studies that show distracted driving being, in many cases, WORSE than drunk driving.
Personally I'd rather see somebody with a BAC of .08 on the road than many other activities that lead to even more fatal wrecks.

Comment Re:Fake statistics (Score 1) 996

Not to mention the people who decide to sleep it off in the BACK SEAT and with the keys in their pocket who still end up "DWI" because they're in a vehicle and passed out in an alcoholic stupor when the cop investigates the vehicle in the parking lot. No clue if those hold up in court but I've seen them in the news off and on.

Comment Re:Why not just 0? (Score 1) 996

If you add gender into your results the picture tends to look a LOT different. Women tend to be more inclined to suicide by overdoses and other "less violent" methods while men are much more likely to use firearms and such. is the only link I bothered to look up but I've seen some other more detailed info.

Comment Re:It's not just deaths (Score 1) 996

Sad thing is the cops who are supposed to be ticketing us for texting while driving and such are doing the same thing but somehow that's OK. I've seen a cop rear-end the vehicle ahead due to being distracted by whatever he was looking up on his laptop that is positioned nicely so they can use them while driving. I was under the impression they weren't supposed to do that either but apparently it's quite common for them to be on the laptop while driving so go figure.....

Comment Re:Gun control however... (Score 1) 856

In the context of that amendment well regulated did actually mean something more like well trained. The expectation was that owning a firearm would require regular training to maintain proficiency. The 2nd amendment also gave the right to form militias and those have to have some level of "control by rule" etc. by somebody being in charge. No military unit, even a militia, can operate well as a total anarchy. That also is something that would require regular training to ensure the members of the militia could operate smoothly and efficiently.
You might want to post a couple more definitions of regulate and perhaps even read the US constitution and various other writings by the authors that in some cases expounded upon topics included in the document.......

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