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Comment Re:There are certain things capitalism can't produ (Score 1) 562

Capitalism can't produce common goods. Internet would've never had existed if it weren't for the US government. It was created in an academic environment, by passionate people that cared about the advance of technolog (indirectly: of mankind).

No. The internet was a result from a military project that aimed to create a computer network safe enough to withstand a nuclear attack. Therefore, the internet was the by product of the cold war. Google "arpanet" if you are in doubt.

Comment just whining (Score 1) 562

people 'feel entitled' to have what they want when they want it, and if they can't get it for free, 'they'll steal it.'

companies 'feel entitled" to have profit with what they want when they want it, and if they can't get it, 'they'll sue poor grandmas and whine like babies'

Comment He's right (Score 1) 710

Indeed it would be more beneficial to OSS as a whole to have native apps running on linux instead of just running what another OS can run. However, in order for people to be willing to ditch windows for linux, a heck of a lot of apps have to be improved. Let's be real now: most linux alternatives do not compare to what professional apps can do on windows (gimp/photoshop, audacity/sonar, flash, and the list goes on...).

If wine is not to be used, then the only other option is to make OSS be comparable to its alternatives in a way that its not only fairly similar, but exceeds its closed source counterparts in capacity and features. In other words, OSS not only needs to copy, but make it better.

Comment the answer is innovation (Score 2, Interesting) 115

IMHO, the mistake of both Microsoft and Yahoo is to think that this is merely a war for market share, and that they can win by simply duplicating whatever google does.

In fact, this is more of an innovation war: users won't switch to whatever microsoft/yahoo partnership offers unless it does something that people find useful AND that google has not implemented yet.

Comment Re:Authenticity (Score 1) 437

What the fuck is authentic these days?

According to

1. not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique.

Its hard to have something authentic these days when the same technique is copied over and over, giving us songs that are much alike to each other.


Measuring Engagement In Games 72

Gamasutra is running an article written by Tim Hong of EmSense in which he describes the research his company did into the physiological reactions various games engender in players. In addition to outward cues like breathing and movement, EmSense also scans brainwaves and heart activity to provide a more complete picture of how a gamer is responding to what he sees and does. They collected hundreds of hours worth of data and made comparisons among a variety of shooters, such as Gears of War 2, F.E.A.R, and Half-Life 2. They found some interesting information on how pacing, tutorials, and cutscenes can affect a player's level of engagement with the games.

Comment I agree with the government (Score 1) 297

I agree with the brits on their move for more spying. Certainly, it would be a lot more effective if a ministry were created just to make sure people are who they claim to be, thus identifying possible terrorist. I would call it the "Ministry of Truth".

Also, in order to control terrorism even more,the world could follow EU steps and unify its economies, creating three large economic groups: eurasia, estasia and oceania.

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