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Comment Re:Neat (Score 1) 404

Exactly so. NASA is simply speeding up the process.

Talking about unusual contaminants, in my home town we had a particularly disturbing incident a few years ago at our local reservoir. A fisherman drowned. No body turned up. A month later divers found him, stuck in the city water intake ... For a month we had been drinking the most interesting "tea." Three days later they reported his body found washed up on shore. It sounded better in the newspaper.

Once the water has been filtered and treated, its source no longer matters.


P.S. What if my toothbrush is shut in the medicine cabinet?

Comment Re:Like to see this replicated (Score 1) 639

The homozygous CCR5 Delta 32 mutation is believed to occur in one in one hundred individuals of northern European descent. I am one of those individuals. Unfortunately for me, I rolled snake-eyes when it comes to lipid regulation, so hyperlipidemia seems to be poised to do to me (now in my mid 40's) what smallpox, bubonic plague, and HIV cannot.

Several companies offer tests for this allele. Possessing it is not an excuse to be irresponsible. There are variants of HIV that can infect T4 cells using the CCR4 coreceptor, as well as all of the other lovely diseases that can be acquired through unsafe practices.


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