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Comment Re:Lame design! (Score 1) 167

A chip like
this PIC32MX695F512L is $9.58 in single unit quantities and is orders of magnitude more versatile
than the 3 Atmel AVRs in the proposed device. It has a full 32-bit processor (MIPS),
512K of Flash, and 128K of RAM, plus ethernet, USB, serial I/O, etc. Couple it with
a small FPGA and you can build quite a system that sells for less than $50.00 and still
make a little profit.

Comment Ubuntu and high reliability data storage (Score 1) 310

As the years pass, one thing becomes more and more obvious:

It's all about the data, and keeping it intact.
For me (running Ubuntu/Debian on around 20 machines)
the most frustrating thing right now is the lack of Sun's
(now Oracle's) ZFS or equivalent filesystem. Do you have
plans to address this by obtaining the right to incorporate
ZFS into Ubuntu at the kernel level, or to fund the development
of an alternative like BTRFS?

Comment Re:Don't leave your computer turned on. (Score 2, Informative) 307

If your computer is turned off, lightning isn't blowing through the ground line of your UPS like a knife through butter and turning your motherboard into a campfire.

No. The easy, safe, way to protect against lightning strikes is to turn off and unplug the computer so there is no conductive path into it.

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