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Comment Re:Missing option (Score 1) 77

What is it that made you log in to Twitter to obtain tech support, instead of going to Dell's own site and submitting a ticket from there?

I used to do support for a hosting service, and very rarely was there a problem that could be fully and clearly explained in 140 characters. For some reason I could never fathom, they actually entertained support requests on Twitter. The guy monitoring Twitter had to act as a middleman by creating a ticket on the customer's behalf, then handing it over to the customer, instead of the customer just submitting it directly and immediately into the queue. It was always a longer, more complicated process for both parties.

I do this cause these days you're much more likely to get a response from a business if you tweet at em versus putting update #10 in a ticket that no one's looked at for two weeks.

I've always assumed this is because of the visibility of mentions -- potential customers can look at the mentions tab and see if there's a bunch of unanswered complaints, whereas no one but you knows about a weeks-old untouched ticket.

Comment Re:Are trans-women also Terfs? (Score 1) 175

What exactly is her transphobic BS?

I've had her blocked since her "HRT is the new conversion therapy" take a few years back, so idk what's she said lately. Sure there's no shortage of articles out there detailing her history of bad gender takes if you're really that curious.

I know a trans woman who speaks publicly on trans issues and is viewed as a positive force by the trans community, and she self-identifies as a trans-woman, and thinks that that is distinct from a naturally born woman

Also terf views, yes. (Non-terfs would say your assigned at birth gender only matters in a personal medical sense, e.g, as a woman that needs prostate cancer screening.) I've never engaged with one that was trans, but I guess its possible. I doubt they'd be well received by other trans and nb folx, though.

Comment Re:Kill it with fire (Score 1) 175

I don't know what a terf is and I'm sure not going to look it up.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They're a subset of second-wave "feminists" kicking around from the 70s/80s with a grudge against trans women that spend most of their time trying to exclude them from women's spaces.

She is willing to hitch her wagon to any social agenda that she thinks will make her more money.

She must be really bad at it, then. Everyone's boycotting Hogwarts Legacy now because of her stubborn adherence to her transphobic BS.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 361

Huh. That's interesting. I'm in Maine.

The HVAC companies here always say its a supply thing; the actual hardware involved (the coil box thing that goes outside and the one that goes inside, connected by tubing to move coolant around) is rare and hard to come by, so people have to wait for a set to become available. Guess I figured the tech was still pretty new/not yet being manufactured at a scale where demand could be met instantaneously.

I've been on the waitlist for a 3.1 ton system for a couple years since I moved into this house; we've got giant extra-wide windows you can't fit regular windows in, so I have to wedge pieces of plywood in the gap and seal it up every summer. Getting real tired of it lol.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 361

That's wild! I'm in the states and have been trying to get a heat pump for ~2 years. It is _crazy_ hard to get on an installer's waitlist and the wait times stretch as long as 5 years. Installing them yourself isn't really an option because the wiring wouldn't be up to code.

They're very much a new/luxury technology here. I wonder why they're so easy to come by there! Most people here just have the ones that sit in the windows.

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