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Comment Re:Insilvent? So what? (Score 1) 252

You don't know that because right now they are forbidden by law to do so.

No they aren't. You're thinking of the laws relating stamps or postage. Not all postcards are postage paid. There is nothing stopping UPS or FedEx or [your-favorite-carrier-here] from delivering postcards to your door (they can't, by law, put things in your mailbox). They simply don't do it because they don't see any profit in it.

Comment Re:One could say the same for Google (Score 1) 481

Yay! Someone on /. who can think!

BTW -- it's possible for both cases to partially work under Wine. SketchUp works for everything that doesn't use WebDialogs (and some WebDialogs do work). You can get Silverlight 3.0 working on Wine, but the DRM still crashes wineserver. A possible solution for MythTV and XBMC users is to use PlayOn and a Windows PC to stream it via UPnP. Not perfect, but it works.

Comment Re:ISPs only (Score 1) 236

Yep. Sadly, I missed the nuance about google "owning" the e-mail. Google does not own your e-mail, though they can (obviously) read it since it is sitting on their servers.

Not that they would bother except to autonomously scan for AdWords and (perhaps) to gather demographics data; as someone else pointed out, reading through someone's lolcats, chain mails, h3rb4l v1@gra offers, Nigerian scams and love notes is not likely to be very productive at all.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 334

Are you implying the women in my coven are fat? I wouldn't do that, unless you want to hang out in swamps and eat flies all day. :-P

Actually, Wiccan women come in all shapes and sizes, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but maybe I'm a bit biased as my personal preference is for women who many would describe as somewhat overweight. But we got skinny, too, if that's what you want.

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