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Operating Systems

Submission + - How do we teach users about filesystem locations?

thc69 writes: The most common education problem I find in users is that they don't know where their files are. They don't understand the file system. They save a file and then wonder how to find it. If I ask them where a file is, they either say "It's in Word" or "I don't know."

"Introduction To Computers" courses apparently don't teach the concept, because users who aced such courses still have no clue. Even people who know lots of advanced stuff sometimes don't understand that their files are in a folder on their C: drive or whatever — I have a friend who knows SQL, C++, and Linux, but doesn't know the locations of her files.

Could it be a gender thing? It seems that the people who I've observed having this problem are all female. I remember reading about studies that show men and women navigate roads very differently; perhaps file system navigation is incompatible with the intuitive navigation method that women use?

It's a very important concept. Once you understand how files and folders (which I still like to call "directories", but I digress) work, everything on the computer becomes much easier. You become less dependent on your applications to keep track of everything for you. Backing up and restoring files becomes much easier.

How can I teach people this concept in a way that will stick? It's so intuitive to me that I don't know how to make it into lessons, it's just second-nature.
The Internet

Submission + - Study: Only 1-in-5 will download video again

thefickler writes: It appears that the days of the local video store may not be numbered after all, with few consumers in the US satisfied with the videos they download from the Internet, according to a new study by Parks Associates. The study reveals that consumers are not impressed with the selection of videos available nor the price; just 16% said the selection of videos available online is good, and only 13% said video downloads are sold at a reasonable price. And what must really worry online movie distributors is that only one in five consumers plan to download videos again in the future.

Submission + - Why Apple Should Acquire AMD

Ice Wewe writes: This CoolTech article explains why Apple may be looking at AMD as a possible acquisition in the future. From the article:

"...Apple could drop Intel altogether and adopt AMD for its Macintosh PCs. Sure, the transition is going to take sometime, and it would probably make Apple announce a brand new line of PCs. However, it will be well worth it. We know Steve Jobs is ruthless when it comes to making interesting deals with powerful companies. This makes AMD a perfect match."

"...Another benefit that Apple will reap out of this (other than adding another revenue stream) is to have complete control over its hardware from a cost standpoint. If it can convert Macs to AMD and ATI chips, all the key components are being developed in-house."

Submission + - Steve Jobs personally resolves customer complaint

An anonymous reader writes: The Consumerist recently published a story about an Apple customer who went through support hell with a broken Macbook. After escalating the issue up the support chain, and a month wait for his Macbook, the guy gave up and simply wrote Steve Jobs a blistering flame-mail. So, was he surprised when Jobs' executive assistant responded back the next day! And he got both a brand new Macbook, as well as his old one to copy the hard drive. The guy also responded in a comment, and he turns out to be a slashdotter! He even wrote a journal entry here about the story.

I guess 'Think Different' really does work!

Submission + - All Is Not Well at Circuit City

Vengance Daemon writes: The Washington Post is reporting that Circuit City's recent firing of the highest paid/most experienced employees has not worked out quite as well as management thought it would. Sales are down and their stock price is down.

Submission + - Order a HD-DVD anti-DRM T-Shirt today!

linnerd40 writes: "Recently, the hex code used as a key in the DRM of most if not all HD-DVDs to date has been found by the technological community. In light of this, websites across the web have been posting, copying, and showing off this sequence of characters in base 16. Many of them are receiving DMCA notices, forcing them to take down the "offending content". Show your suport for DRM-free and restriction-free content by buying a T-Shirt showing off the hex sequence, as well as a short snippet on anti-DRM (open for suggestions). The design has not yet been finalized, but will be white text on black. The font will be Courier or Courier new. Check it out, and order yours today!"

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