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Comment Re:Majority don't understand the extent & issu (Score 2) 584

That article can't seem to make up its mind. First the caption for the first image says, "In the U.S. citizenship test, only 38 per cent of Americans passed [...]", and then below that it says "Although the majority passed, more than a third - 38 per cent - failed [...]". Which one is it? Did 38% fail, or did 38% pass? If Americans don't understand their government then apparently the Brits don't understand numbers, or at least are willing to ignore their meaning if it means a juicier headline.

Comment Re:This is the path to madness (Score 1) 351

Those tests were mostly performed in deserts and other remote areas, not "as air bursts in urban areas, [which] could produce so much smoke that temperatures would fall below those of the Little Ice Age of the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries, shortening the growing season around the world and threatening the global food supply.", to quote the paper. Also, I'm not sure what the size of the blips in that video signify. For example, the Trinity test near didn't produce a 40-mile wide fireball, as that video seems to imply.

Comment Re:Eurocentric (Score 2) 93

It's funny, I've lived in the United States my whole life and only recently can I remember seeing world maps centered on North America. All the world maps I usually see are centered on the Prime Meridian, which is nice since the map cuts off somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, near the Bering Straits.

Comment Re:What about paper bags? (Score 2) 533

Where I come from they usually provide small plastic bags for you to put your fruits and vegetables in when you're shopping. This keeps them together and grouped by type, making things easier when you get to checkout. Incidentally they're extremely useful afterwards for cleaning up after your dog on walks.

Comment Re:So he is not using the UN, just the UN (Score 3, Insightful) 232

While I agree that it is hypocritical to oppose a system and then turn around and surreptitiously make use of it, the "I don't think this should exist, but I'm taking what's mine" argument could be taken to mean that since she (presumably) paid into the system then she was merely retrieving what was already taken from her in the first place.

Comment Re:fucking politicians... (Score 2) 152

But we're not talking about any of those clubs right now. We can show outrage about them when we discuss their respective issues. If people had to enumerate everything they get angry about every time they express some rage then every post would be a mile long and threads would take forever to read.

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