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Comment Re:I hope there's an easy social integration disab (Score 0) 365

All those "social integration" features end up increasing the footprint of the browser, even if you don't use them.

Do you have some evidence of such? Because I haven't seen a damned bit of this ZMGBLOATZ! you speak of. Memory usage is down and performance is up when compared to both previous versions of Firefox AND current versions other browsers which lack such functionality.

Put up or shut up. Show me something concrete which demonstrates your terrible loss.

Comment Re:smoke and mirrors (Score 2) 95

This. When they approach Google, MS, FB, asking for data, it's data that they already know is there. They're tapped into every major Internet peering node in the US and an untold number of them over seas. They likely have agents and eavesdropping devices at interesting companies like MS. They know that the data they collect is illegal so they need to manufacture chain of evidence that they can actually use. That's the only reason they send requests/warrants.

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