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Comment Re:Why use an unknown AV program? (Score 1) 245

Yeah, I had my car in for an oil change at the dealership (I have free lifetime oil changes), 1 year ago they said I only had 1mm of brake pads left, then 3 months ago they said I had between 2-3mm of brake pads left. I think I have the *only* car that actually GROWS brake pads instead of wearing them down.

Needless to say, I don't let them do anything to my vehicle beyond the oil change.

Comment Re:Be very afraid. (Score 1) 695

His followers will be recognized by the rimless glasses, black faux turtlenecks, and razor stubble.

Rimless glasses - CRAP
Razor stubble - CRAP
Black faux turtlenecks - whew, at least I don't own any of those...

I think it may be time for new glasses and kicking my lazy habit of not shaving every day.

Comment Re:The closed circle (Score 1) 225

Because Adobe Illustrator is bug-free, completely stable and doesn't corrupt files, like EVER?

Every software is going to have stuff that works great and stuff that wasn't thought out well or tested well - even on version

Comment Re:Use Tax (Score 1) 762

And on top of the different locales, different places charge different RATES for different kinds of purchases. Food in CO is 0%, but somewhere else it is like 4% - and it differs between COUNTIES AND CITIES, not just states.

There are companies who's whole purpose is keeping track of these tax rates which allow you to pay through the nose for their products. Vertex is one such company. Amazon shouldn't have a problem paying for those systems, but what about the little guy? I cannot afford $10k, just so that I can collect sales tax for FL when my only physical location is in NV.

Comment Re:"products that consumers will willingly pay for (Score 1) 675

From the referenced article summary
Over 57,000 people took advantage of the offer, which was enough for 2D Boy to term it "a huge success." Interestingly, they also saw a significant increase in sales through Steam, and a smaller increase through Wiiware. They've decided to extend the experiment until October 25th.

Even though the average payment was $2.00, they still made a ton of money on the issue, even to the point of them calling it a huge success. This says to me that the product was worth $2.00 to people, you can see a similar effect on the iPhone App Store...

Comment Re:Solution in search of a problem (Score 1) 549

Solaris includes 32-bit binaries for most applications but includes 32- and 64-bit libraries. It includes 32- and 64-bit kernels as well, all in the same installation media.

I have been thinking for a while now that Solaris would benefit greatly from FatELF binaries. They already do some goofy magic with their execution of binaries to figure out which version to run (the one from /usr/bin -or- the one from /usr/bin/amd64)?

Comment Re:OH, They have been acting for a while! (Score 1) 304

I had a similar situation, somebody brought over a zombie XP machine that started spamming. They were house sitting while I was out of town. Anyway, if you talk around to the right person and call about 5 different numbers, you CAN get port 25 unblocked, it just takes you getting in touch with the correct department...

Anyway, now my firewall doesn't let any "untrusted" ip addresses unfettered access to the internet anymore. Which is a pain when I bring the work laptop home and the VPN won't connect (until I make that IP a trusted ip)...

Comment HP P2015dn - I love it (Score 4, Informative) 557

Get yourself another laser printer, after I bought mine (HP P2015-dn for $300 2 years ago) I haven't looked back. 99.99% of my printing is black and white anyway, I use the crap out of the double sided feature and I love the networked aspect.

My only complaint is that it needs to be restarted every month or so - otherwise it takes 20 minutes to print 1 page.

Comment Re:heh. (Score 1) 318

I definitely appreciate the people willing to work on necessary things like the Audio stack on Linux. We need more people who are like Mike Shuttleworth, rich people looking to give back into the community that served them well in the past.

When I manage to get rich I plan on tackling a few issues that I see in the Open Source community as a whole, especially when we are talking about corporate developers and in-house applications are concerned. I would invest in creating a developer environment that is catered towards RAPID application development. I believe that this would be a good realm to get people to jump ship from the MS "Stack" - provide a Linux "Stack" that goes beyond LAMP (or the many variants).

Of course, you don't have to be rich in order to contribute to software, you just need time and a little self discipline.

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