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Comment Re:London University International Program (Score 1) 433

Yes the open uni is great and they provide much more support and interaction with tutors but it is also considerably more expensive than london uni if you are outside the uk.

London Uni has actually been offering distance learning degrees for far longer than the open uni (or any other) but you are more or less on your own after they send you the course notes and reading lists although some courses/colleges in london uni also offer summer schools and such things, for an additional fee.

Comment London University International Program (Score 1) 433

You can do a BSc entirely by distance learning through London Uni (apart from the exams which you sit at a British Council office anywhere in the world) and it is also relatively cheap.

They have many other undergrad & postgrad courses too.

Comment Re:Video (Score 1) 287

It's a matter of using the right tool for the job.. to use a car analogy - you could drive a Fiat Panda in a Formula 1 race and chances are you would still get to the finish line eventually but it's not really the best car for that particular job, however it is fine for getting around town and you'd look a bit silly going to the supermarket with an F1 car! (no room the shopping)

There are many storage engines available for mysql these days and each have their good and bad points so choose one based on your expected usage.

Comment Re:Video (Score 1) 287

Me too.. its many many years since I had any such problems with mysql and back then it was only when using the myisam storage engine and shitty hardware. Using innodb "just works" and it has never failed at recovering itself in the event of a hardware/server crash. I use it with truckloads of data and it does the job just fine as long as it is configured reasonably well.

Comment Re:Patriot Missile Propaganda All Over Again? (Score 2) 377

Well rocket launches and subsequent interceptions are very public and half the worlds media were there watching it all happen right in front of them so the figures can't be too far off. In fact the IDF says today that overall the success rate was 84%

Looks quite successful here anyway..

Comment Netbooks are too good (Score 1) 300

I've been using my eeepc now for over 2 years and it is my full time work & play machine. It does everything I need - it runs apache and mysql for dev, plays vids with vlc, runs browsers with a silly number of tabs open (and loads of other apps), I plug in a big screen and spread my desktop across the two screens and I connect a small mouse.. it runs ubuntu netbook remix (10.04) and gets a reboot once every couple of months if it's lucky.

I can't see myself needing any other computer these days as long as this one holds out. It's the dogs bollocks.


Facebook's Corona: When Hadoop MapReduce Wasn't Enough 42

Nerval's Lobster writes "Facebook's engineers face a considerable challenge when it comes to managing the tidal wave of data flowing through the company's infrastructure. Its data warehouse, which handles over half a petabyte of information each day, has expanded some 2500x in the past four years — and that growth isn't going to end anytime soon. Until early 2011, those engineers relied on a MapReduce implementation from Apache Hadoop as the foundation of Facebook's data infrastructure. Still, despite Hadoop MapReduce's ability to handle large datasets, Facebook's scheduling framework (in which a large number of task trackers that handle duties assigned by a job tracker) began to reach its limits. So Facebook's engineers went to the whiteboard and designed a new scheduling framework named Corona." Facebook is continuing development on Corona, but they've also open-sourced the version they currently use.

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