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Comment Re:Information dominance is the point. (Score 1) 290

>IP rights holders want control of entertainment. They do not want free or cheap entertainment to exist.

Oh nonsense. First of all, you're lumping every rights holder into the same group. This is wrong. There are some groups that want money for their work, some that give it away, and some that are a mix of both. The major record companies fall into that first group. But there are plenty of independent artists that fall into the second and third groups.

>if the world worked the way their model proposes it should, if you don't have the money then you wouldn't be able to listen to music, watch movies, or play electronic games.

You mean "their" music, movies, and games. They have the right to control how their work is distributed, and they should have that right. But you also have the right not to support them and to seek out alternative music, movies, and games that are released for free.

The thing that bothers me most about people who hold views like yours is that you have to have it exactly your way. You'd force everyone to go copyleft instead of letting people pick and choose how they want to handle their IP. You feel entitled to other people's work, and if things were the way that you wanted them, artists would be the poorest lot out there. The big companies might be a bit overbearing when it comes to protecting their rights, but you'd be hard pressed to find any of their artists scrapping by for money. Sure, artists make most of their money on performances, but if their music wasn't being heavily promoted by these companies, no one would ever hear of them.

Comment Re:The untimely war on filesharing. (Score 1) 290

Wow, what a rant. Let's go through it point by point, shall we?

>"Because they'd rather you not listen to their music at all than let you download it."

So if they won't give it to you for free, that means you can't download it? And if you can't download it, there's no other way to listen to it? What about regular radio and internet radio like Pandora and LastFM? I guess they don't count.

>"This is about information control, and controlling who can and cannot be happy."

No, it's about control the rights to their IP. Are you telling me that you can't be happy unless you can download your Miley Cyrus songs for nothing? There is a ton of free/cheap indie music out there that is not owned by or published through a major record label. Why can't you listen to that?

>"It's also about profit margins."

Yeah, they're businesses. Their goal is to make money.

>"They should be finding a way to make money on ad revenue but instead they want to keep the old models even when the economy doesn't support it."

They're making money on those supposedly "old models", and there are ad-supported music distribution systems popping up all over the place.

>"Because they'd rather lock you up than hire you or give you a raise."

What? Who is "they" in this sentence? Your boss at your job wants to lock you up? Or are you referring to the music companies? That doesn't make any sense either...why would a music company be in charge of your salary?

>"If a college student budgets $200 to spend on movies and music for that year thats what he or she is going to spend."

Yeah...most college students have a budget of $0 and get their entertainment through torrents and sites like Hulu and Pandora.

>"As the economy is getting worse they keep upping the price of the music on itunes so that young people can afford less and less of it."

The price of everything is going up...it's called inflation. Why would you expect music prices to be immune to that? And who said the economy is getting worse? I've been job hunting (currently employed) and I've seen more jobs this year than in the last two years.

>"And the 3 strikes policy is completely unacceptable, ruin a persons livelihood because they downloaded some music they couldn't afford or didn't want to risk paying for"

If they can't afford it, tough. It's not a necessity to have mainstream music and movies, especially when so much free and legal content is available online. And what do you mean by "risk paying for it"? It seems more risky to not pay for something.

>"Find another strategy, not wait until an economic depression to crack down hard on all the poor jobless undergrads and recent grads unless they really want to make the the situation worse and make people desperate."

Are you serious? You're trying to tell us that if people get in trouble for violating copyright, that it's going to make the economy worse and people desperate? You do realize that you're talking about entertainment here, right? Not food or housing. Entertainment. Aka...something to do when you don't feel like doing anything. I think you are really dramatizing this a lot.

>"If sales figures are down it's because we have less disposable income. If people aren't buying music, movies or art it's because they are paying their bills."

Ok, but that doesn't mean that these companies should start giving away their stuff for free, nor does it give anyone else the right to take it for free.

Comment Re:Pfft, I can top that. (Score 1) 571

Yeah. When I was going to highschool on the Oregon coast, we'd go to the beach and build huge bonfires (think logs that were anywhere from 6 inches to a foot thick). Once the center of the fire had built up some nice, red coals, we'd have someone toss an aerosol can in while the rest of us took cover behind a large driftwood log or a trench that we had dug out. The person doing the tossing had to run like hell to take cover before the explosion. Usually we were rewarded with a huge fireball and smoke of various colors depending on what we threw in (paint, WD-40, whatever we could find in our parents garages). We also tried a few mini-propane tanks. Those didn't fireball; they just blew our bonfire to smithereens and coated the beach in burning embers in a 100ft radius. As far as shrapnel goes, usually the bottom would blow off of the aerosol cans, and the propane tanks would split in half.

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