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Comment Re:Microwave, anyone?? (Score 1) 169

Are we speaking about a different "dilo2k10"?

But anyway you're absolutely right. All he did was lie about it bursting into flames while he drove - he didn't admit he microwaved it.

He did admit that another mouth-breather attempted to recover the phone from water and applied a "large amount of external energy" to it.

I suspect there is a 'd' missing from his online handle.

"Dilo2k10" Quote: "The damage to the phone was caused by another person, although they were attempting to recover the phone from water this later caused the damage shown on the phone. It occurred due to a large amount of external energy and there was no fault with the phone. This was not a deliberate act but a stupid mistake."

Comment Re:Better Solution (Score 1) 264

You seem to be assuming the FBI kept them running all this time because they gave a crap about the affected people.

How delightfully quaint...

By the way - this message may come as a surprise but it turns out, I have a Nigerian Prince in my family who is struggling to make an overseas transfer. Please send me your Name, Address, Telephone Number, SSN, CC numbers (with PINs and CVV's) and bank account details (with web login passwords) and I'll cut you in for a $ couple of million.

Comment Meanwhile, rapists walk free (Score 1) 276

Didn't the UK recently refuse to extradite a rapist, Shawn Sullivan, because "he will be treated inhumanely in Minnesota's justice system"?

Do something that's a crime in BOTH countries, get away with it.

Do something that's NOT a crime in your home country, get extradited anyway.

So the British government are basically sending the message rape is okay, but tell someone where to find an MP3 and you're fucked.

UK - The "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Hollywood"

Comment Re:Don't Forget: "Six Strikes" Starts This Weekend (Score 1) 298

I get most of that, but where'd you get 28.5 from?? It's 30.4 if that's for (the average number of) "days in a month"

So I get 3206.25GB. That's GIGABYTES by the way - you GIBIstards can stfu.

That is, 3206.25GB to regular folks. If you want to fit it on a hard drive you'll need a 3.5TB drive, because hard drive manufacturers, like Gibistards, are not regular folks.

Comment Re:Offtopic (Score 1) 137

I didn't think that comment was particularly offtopic. I've been saying for years that storage and not generation, is a bigger problem.

Solar panels are getting pretty cheap - although it pisses me off that they keep pumping money into making them more efficient rather than making them cheaper. While I'd love to have super-efficient panels that mean I never have to plug in my phone or laptop again, I'd sooner have "normal" dirt cheap panels I can replace the tiles on my roof with.

I'm still waiting for my Sodium Sulfur Battery - 50kWh storage in a fridge sized unit with a 10 year life cycle @$4k...

Of course, once we've figured out how to store free power cheaply, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who's holding us back from that...

Comment Re:I only download free books (Score 2) 311

The gp actually was more believable than you...

His made up figures *at least* he got one part right - he put it in terms of PROFIT.

In other words he wasn't arguing that publishing is free. He was arguing that the publishers get the lion's share of the PROFIT - which seems to be a fairly well established fact...

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