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Submission + - Assaulted for wearing a hat (freekeene.com)

HellYeahAutomaton writes: While walking out, Ron Dusavitch, a bailiff, yelled to me from behind, “TAKE YOUR HAT OFF!”

“I’m leaving, sir.” I replied.
“TAKE YOUR HAT OFF!” he repeated.
“LEAVING, sir.” I replied again, still walking out the door, minding my own business to get out of the building and on with my day. Ron had other plans.
Ron LEPT into action and RAN across the courtroom (See top left corner of video at 0:21) and JUMPED into the hallway. He tackled me by pushing me up against the wall and held me there with his hands on my shoulder and bicep.
“Take your hat off,” Ron the Hero again commanded....

Comment Too many laws, too many lawyers (Score 1) 343

In software development we have a concept of refactoring: "a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior".

How do the candidates feel about refactoring all of our laws, rules, and regulations for simplicity?

Comment Re:Researchers? (Score 1) 180

You can't have it both ways -- first accusing of wanting to have the view as my way, and then against the general accepted view of the majority. Most people, liberty loving people see the view my way and in this case, since no one is harmed by this expectation it probably is morally correct.

You've only just proven yourself to be obstinate and disagreeable, citing irrelevant causes.

Comment Re:Ron Paul should give away his money (Score 1) 1797

The actual value of a minimum wage varies by state, and in the US isn't close to a livable wage

  All of these incentives and perks that everyone runs around and demands as "rights" (healthcare, retirement, pension, social security etc) are increasing the total costs of goods that get passed along to consumers too. But, people such as yourself don't even see those real costs to the employers because all you are looking at is a simplified hourly rate, and not all the extra paid by your employer on your behalf.

The minimum wage laws were enacted to help protect worker rights in sweatshops long ago, and now we are competing with other nations that don't have minimum wage laws, and have sweatshops. (and doing badly at it) By supporting minimum wage we are letting the government put us at a disadvantage among other nations in the marketplace, and by adding more government taxes for services we are putting a bigger monkey on the backs of small and middle sized business owners.

Comment Re:Researchers? (Score 1) 180

> In other words, you'd like everyone to see this issue the way you do, so you call your expectations reasonable and anyone who disagrees with you is
> unreasonable.

I can buy into Linus's law for the idea of making public problems that exist in security and software. However, this goes above and beyond and has directly subjected 100,000 users purposefully to unwarranted intrusion (an act of aggression) on their communications directly. It doesn't matter *who* does this.
It is wrong.

reasonable expectation of privacy: An objective, legitimate or reasonable expectation of privacy is an expectation of privacy generally recognized by society.

Is it a public service as a researcher to point out that if a person's home which appears to be secure is currently no longer secure while leaving the front door wide open? Perhaps.

Is it a public service for the researcher to walk inside and help themselves to your wife and your beer? Absolutely not.

Comment Re:Why is this interesting? (Score 1) 312

What makes his story interesting is his dedication to a problem that most people seem to think is intractable to the average problem solver.
It is the dedication of man to a task -- Learning and experimenting for knowledge sake.

The same could be said true of a 10,000 year clock: http://longnow.org/clock, the Beach Pneumatic Transit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beach_Pneumatic_Transit, or reasons to learn Calculus, ring theory and other pure mathematics even though most people will probably never ever use them.

Comment Re:Of course they're overpriced. (Score 1) 698

We told the medical equipment company we didn't have insurance and suddenly the price was just under $60/month. What does that mean? They overcharge the insurance companies by at least 3x what their actual costs are because they can.

When you buy a car, or a home, if you sign up for the "finance plan", you are amortizing the cost because you don't have the money to pay outright.
The overhead of the insurance cost is the same thing.

People who can afford to pay should pay, and not pay interest in the form of an insurance scheme. The total cost of health care is high specifically because we are sharing the burden with and of our fellow delinquent and deadbeat citizens with many medical problems.

Comment Obligatory Hunt for Red October Reference (Score 0) 225

Ambassador Andrei Lysenko: There is another matter... one I'm reluctant to...
Dr. Jeffrey Pelt: Please.
Ambassador Andrei Lysenko: One of our submarines, an Alfa, was last reported in the area of the Grand Banks. We have not heard from her for some time.
Dr. Jeffrey Pelt: Andrei... you've lost another submarine?

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