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Comment Re:Not the answer (Score 5, Informative) 123

(as an aside, I have to admit that if I was on the Apollo 10 mission and everything was working out, I'd be tempted to yell "Fuck you, Neil!" into my radio and land on the Moon. What's NASA gonna do?)

Watch as you die on the moon because the ascent stage lacked the fuel needed to return the Lunar Module to the Command Module from the surface of the moon.

Comment Re:Statstical analysis (Score 1) 257

The thing that gets glossed over is that the "moneyball" draft of 2002 wasn't very good. Oakland had several first round picks and only the first two (Nick Swisher, and Joe Blanton) did anything significant in majors. Add to that the fact that a number of good players who had the sabermetric stats to suggest they were good were ignored, often for some really stupid reasons.

If Beane had really stopped looking at the human equation he would have drafted Prince Fielder.

Comment Re:Einstein replied "Check your measurements, son" (Score 1) 1088

You know, people keep saying that these guys are geniuses and would spot trivial errors but I can only think of two things when I read that:

1) I work in research with some incredibly smart people, and see them make the occasional really dumb mistake. All it takes is one stupid error made by some guy years ago that never rechecked to mess things up.

2) I can still very vividly remember when Lyne, Bailes & Shemar announced they detected a planet around a pulsar by detecting the pulsars timing changing and in the end it turned out they didn't account for the movement of the Earth correctly.

Comment Re:not bad parenting (Score 1) 283

Once you give your ipod to the kids, there are no controls to restrict what they can or cannot do.
Maybe you should set it up correctly before handing it over to the kids.

-- Separate password for downloading free stuff: Why do I have to give my password tied to my credit card to download free stuff? I can give that password when doing in game purchases if I want to.
You don't have to. I don't have a credit card tied to my app store account and I download things all the time.

-- Password restriction on apps: Apple provides restrictions on pre-insalled apps such as youtube. But not for downloaded apps.
You can disable apps based on ratings, but AFAIK that's it. So no real help there.

-- Disable in-game purchases: No, you can't do that
So what does turning "In-App Purchases" off in the settings do?

-- 15 minute window to purchase all you want without password: Fixed only recently.
You can disable both in-app purchases, installing apps, and accessing itunes (buying music) in the settings menu. What's left to purchase?

Comment Re:Sensational! (Score 1) 537

WTF, NewScientist? The error's in the original article too, but this is the sort of mistake I expect from the mainstream media. A pop scientist publication should be smarter than this.

Unlike you the "pop scientist publication" knows the difference between "per day" and "in total", and can do the elementary school math required to convert between the two.

Comment Re:Other sources (Score 1) 185

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that He-3 and He-4 aren't distributed uniformly across the various helium reservoirs on earth. In particular most of the deep reservoirs of helium are the byproducts of nuclear (alpha) decay, and so are very rich in He-4. On the other hand cosmic rays generate a lot of tritium (and therefor He-3) in earths oceans and earths atmosphere.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
