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Livejournal Bans Ad-Blocking Software 434

Anonymous Emo writes "The community/blogging site LiveJournal recently introduced ads on some pages for free users. More interestingly, they also added a new restriction to their TOS (XVI 17 b.) banning users from using or providing ad-blocking software. The new TOS also permits them to immediately terminate the account of anyone they catch doing this."

Comment In soviet Australia (Score 1) 745

groundless trademark claimants get sued by you!

http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/ tma1995121/s129.html

"Groundless threats of legal proceedings
(1) If a person threatens to bring an action against another person ( threatened person ) on the ground that the threatened person has infringed:
(a) a registered trade mark; or
(b) a trade mark alleged by the person to be registered;
any person aggrieved by the threat ( plaintiff ) may bring an action (either in a prescribed court or in any other court having jurisdiction) against the person making the threat ( defendant ).
The plaintiff may also recover any damages that he or she has sustained because of the defendant's conduct."

We also have a kind of loser pays here; not in all cases, but I think where the judge determines that the loser shouldn't have brought the action in the first place, or has caused the winner unreasonable costs. It's not perfect, but it prevents the kind of systemic abuse of the system that you USians seem to be suffering. Your legislators seem to be caught up in a fantasy world where imagined infringements of sacrosanct constitutional rights are more important than demonstrated failures and injustices caused by the status quo. Good luck with that whole Democracy thing, anyway. I've heard it's the bomb.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
