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Comment Not a bad idea (Score 5, Interesting) 72

Consider that by buying WebOS they now have claim to the landslide of Touchpads that just sold AND all the positive marketing. Negotiate in a deal for upgrading the software for them, and you have one hell of an advertizing base...instantly. Not to mention owning all the patents as well.

Comment Re:The most commonly asked question on "Ask Slashd (Score 1) 499

Amen, I have photos from 1998 and I have documents from before that. ATA has been a standard for what...20 years now? However, have people not heard of cloud hosting services? I have been backing up all my media to Mozy for years....and when they go away I will back it up to somewhere is BACKUP for cryin out loud.

Comment HTPC (Score 1) 559

The big new market is the HTPC. No PC maker out there is hitting this market currently. I think newegg needs to cater to this market more. Yes they have HTPC shells but the selection is no better than anywhere else. yet, the public is obsessed with DVR and streaming. The do it yourself market is here now. Most of us gamers who used to build our own PCs have fallen in love with the gaming laptop. We are more than happy to give up Frames per second in order to game anywhere we want.

Comment Re:CS is part of IT (Score 1) 520

CS isn't programming, CS is Computer Science or more to the point Computational Analysis. A true computer scientist looks more like an engineer than a programmer. We create languages (had to do that in scheme in college), we use building blocks to create computational systems. I don't care if those building blocks are silicon and gold or if they are prebuilt routers and servers. I only care about the flow of information and the output. Screw all the bitchy line drawing you all do. I will say that the Network Architect is more a computer scientist than the .Net dev making share point portals any day.

Comment Re:CS is part of IT (Score 1) 520

Good lord, not to be a flamer, but this really pisses me off. maintenance is just ONE area of IT. Anyone who has done Enterprise support rather than just Mom and Pop IT knows this. It is an international standard. People need to look into ITIL, or MOF or COBIT. Just like coding, there is a Plan, Build, Run cycle...each is interesting in it's own right.

Comment Nebraska Really?? (Score 1) 518

Ummm, last I checked my state had the lowest unemployment in the nation during the recession, as well as being one of the happiest places to live due to our health rates and low debt to income ratios.

So while we here in Nebraska appreciate the concern, get your ducks in a row and remember who has been stable through the mess the rest of you created. In the meantime, our economy will continue to kick ass despite the best efforts of the coasts.


Blog and newsweek:


Silicon Valley Silicon Valley Foreclosure rate

Comment Re:First was Apple (Score 1) 662

Im gonna call you out on that. There have been some amazing services out there.Apple is hardly the best, Amazon is one, they have probably done the most, they will publish and push any album for practically free. Several other services as well. All apple has ever done for indie artists was create the world's most accepted music player and allow yet another avenue to sell. Today, Facebook and youtube do the most for independent musicians.

Dont get me wrong I love apple products, but I really hate iTunes in it's current format, although iCloud is looking to change everything I hate about iTunes, so I am very excited.

Comment It looks like this: (Score 1) 662

1. Create an innovative online music service that increases sales for everyone.

2. Get sued into oblivion by Record Labels.

3. Create an non-innovative online music service that increases sales for 1 company.

4. ???

5. Get full support of Record Labels

6. Profit!

Comment Re:Sometimes not at all. (Score 0) 233

Ahhh Malthusian economics. Big fan of Ishmael are we? Ok I am done being inflammatory :)

But in all seriousness, while I have never met a person who is choosing not to procreate due to the aforementioned theory, it is to the advantage of enlightened environmentally conscious people such as myself to have at least 1 child. Given that I cannot have children and will be adopting I will move in the other direction and would encourage many others to do so.

The reason enlightened environmentally conscious people should raise children (their own or adopted), is the teaching and raising of a set of individuals who will most likely have many of your own morals. This has always been a problem of my fellow liberals, they are being bred out of existence.

Yes, most likely we will have a plague, it happens every time. Talk to a good historian, or biologist. One fact of nature, with each spike in population there is a steep drop. nature finds a way to balance the scales. If it isn't disease, it will be famine, if it isn't famine it will be war.

Comment Re:Sometimes not at all. (Score 1) 233

Thanks for the reply.

You simply asked "why would anyone who respects data have children?". If you are going to restrain the results just to the data asking whether or not it makes you happy, then yes you are correct. But the dataset is much larger. When considering the payoff of having children and doing it right, the advantages are enormous. Much in the same way work may not make you happy, the indirect results can. Thus we dont base our actions completely on what makes us happy.

Thank you for the reference.

Self Centereness transcends the ability to procreate, some people are stupid enough to procreate. I simply wanted to point out that having to be responsible for another life is a pretty clear mirror for who you really are. I do know several well adjusted people who never had kids, mostly due to infertility. The ones who choose to not have kids in my life have other issues, but I live in a largely religious community so there are other factors there.

Having sex, is pleasurable because it encourages us to procreate, the outcome is what our hormones are aiming for. The orgasm is just the instant gratification we need for motivation. I do not see your correlation to the second statement.

Comment Re:Sometimes not at all. (Score 1) 233

Anyone who understands logarithmic expansion understands the impact of raising a child successfully will most likely far outweigh anything you will do in your lifetime. As well I am going to have to ask for citation on your "Data show that having children decreases happiness" Here is the first non-religious result in a google search for Children and happiness (There is a newsweek article there but it has no data).

Being a childless couple that Fosters, I can say firsthand that I have experience with many different families and the negative side. Some people are excessively self centered, having children exposes that self centered nature. For the folk that already understand that they aren't the center of the universe, parenting is a joy. Not having children allows the selfish to continue in their ignorant world, maybe that makes them happier, but evolutionarily speaking we have had a couple million years to have it hardwired into ourselves to procreate. This alone suggests that deep happiness should be found in successfully parenting progeny..

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