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Comment Re:Sometimes (Score 1) 238

I'd rather interview a programmer who doesn't have a flashy resume and doesn't try to show off his coding ability because it's often the case that these kind of programmers are the best to have around.

This sort of sounds like the method George Costanza uses to select a student to give an academic scholarship to in an episode of Seinfeld.

GEORGE: Ladies and gentlemen, this (Opens the door, Steven is standing there) is Steven Koren. His G.P.A. is a solid 2.0! Right in that meaty part of the curve - not showing off, not falling behind.

WYCK: George, the quailifications for this scholarship were suppose to be.. largely academic.

GEORGE: I'm sure we're all aware of the flaws and biases of standardized tests..

WYCK: These aren't standardized tests - these are his grades.

Comment Re: Top talent is always hard to find (Score 1) 238

For version control, Google uses Perforce, a commercial product, and about the only thing out there that could handle a multi-terabyte codebase which receives thousands of commits per day -- how many code repositories measure their performance in commits per second? However, I understand that Google has had to customize it extensively.

Strangely, Microsoft also uses Perforce. They have the source code & it's heavily modified. It's called source depot in Microsoft. I absolutely love Perforce as compared to any other version control system I have been exposed to - especially CVS. CVS is piece of rubbish.

Comment Insurance is the problem (Score 1) 644

Typically, you insure against disaster/catastrophies. Having a cough or a cold or a minor injury is not a disaster.
Home Insurance doesn't cover your day to day repair stuff.

That's how medical insurance should be. Medical costs increase because a doctor now has staff to deal with the insurance bureaucracy and billing. And the doctor has to figure out what's covered not covered etc.

Comment Disruption (Score 1) 131

What kind of disruption? Carlsen has been World #1 since Jan 2010. He hit the highest ELO rating in the history of chess also in Jan 2010. He is also 100 points ahead of the current #2 - Kramnik. He didn't even competer in the World Championship last year when Anand defended his title against the World #20.

Comment Swedish Company (Score 4, Informative) 149

This has been done by a Swedish Company - http://www.behaviosec.com/

They have a continuous monitoring a system and also a product which can be integrated into a Web Page Post Form for a 2nd Factor of Authentication. I have played around with their Web Product - it's very good to be used as a secondary mechanism.

They are also working with DARPA - http://www.behaviosec.com/darpa-and-behaviosec-go-beyond-passwords/

So I am wondering if the Iowa University project is an extension on this?

The original Behaviosec product came out of a research project in a Swedish University and the people running the company include students who did the original project.

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