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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 153

Have to agree. Not all students are bright enough to be in labs. When I was at Uni, we had one guy who, after everyone got told NOT to sniff the chloroform, said, 'Why not?' and sniffed it. He was in a coma for a few weeks, and then when he came out of it tried to sue the University for not giving him sufficient warning. The lawsuit failed. A lot of us had always wondered how he got into Uni in the first place, as he was thick as two bricks and very weird. (Weird, as in, turned up to our geology field trip in mid-winter in shorts, flip flops and a T-shirt, then saw an ice cream van and went and got ice cream ... whilst the rest of us were rugged up to the eye balls complaining of the cold).

Comment In the right Universe (Score 1) 353

Yes, in the right Universe this plane would have turned the Battle of Britain in favour of the French. Napoleon, Vercingetorix and Joan of Arc would have been standing in Blenheim Palace on top of Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Disraeli's dismembered body parts, as they lay strewn amongst the wreckage of their Hurricane, Spitfire and Vauxhall Chevette ornithopter. The giant spice mammoths of the Russian tundra would have been no more after Trotsky's successful assassination of Joseph Stalin left Russia rich and defenceless, and the Japanese giant Iguana monster would be running rampant across Northern America smashing San Francisco to fine dust and weeing on the Washington monument turning the Potomac a bright radiated yellow colour. Cats sleeping with dogs, children refusing to obey their parents and every man wanting to write a book about it.

Comment Yes, but what if I impersonate a 100 y/o woman? (Score 1) 137

Togged to the bricks, and all they offer me is a trip for biscuits. Just wanted a ring-a-ding ding and some Bruno slips me a Micky Finn in a clip joint. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a flop with some Lunger wearing iron who suddenly runs to the window and starts drilling beans at a tin can full of Joes. So I make tracks before the coppers turn up with a meat wagon and someone ends leaving in a Chicago overcoat.

Comment Sexist much? (Score 1) 389

'... your computer illiterate little sister, ...'

My little sister is very computer literate, and so are her kids. My computer illiterate parents however might have been a better group to design the interface for, because I'm sure most of our younger siblings, regardless of sex, are very adept at picking up technology.

Comment Every Company I've Worked For ... (Score 1) 236

I can related many specific examples of companies I've worked for that have done exactly this. From:

  • Managers who wanted to get rid of 'passwords' so that people only needed to come in and type their username into the machine.
  • Infrastructure team leaders who wanted to make 'password' a legitimate password that users would have as he claimed users were too stupid to remember passwords with numbers or other characters in them.
  • Managers who wanted to get rid of the firewalls, as they did nothing and were an unwarranted expense (even AFTER someone from South Korea tried to hack into our network and was stopped by the firewall).
  • Managers who wanted to send financial information across the internet unencrypted, claiming only hackers would be able to see it.
  • Managers who claimed that IT security just causes problems for the users and that the IT security team invents these 'security issues' to deliberately justify their positions and make it difficult for normal workers to do their jobs.
  • Managers who asked for the firewalls to be turned off as they couldn't get to certain blocked sites. (pr0n)
  • Managers who told us off for finding security holes in our system, (which we brought to their attention as we wanted the resources to patch them), and they made the claim we were 'making' those holes.

The list goes on. IMHO, IT security would be a lot easier and more secure if they got rid of an awful lot of managers.

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