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Comment Re:This would scare the hell out of me (Score 1) 488

There is an interesting phenomenon that I dont recall the name for. basically the reason you freak in a skyscraper but not in a plane is the fact that there is nothing in your view to "connect" you to the ground.

when you are in a skyscraper, your brain sees the line of the building to the ground, makes the connection and says "F***! I'm high up!".

In an aircraft, there isn nothing for your brain to connect the plane to the ground, so you are less prone to that freak out.

I have the same problem-- fine in planes, freaked out at places like the Grand Canyon. Your theory is interesting, but the hot-air balloon thing destroys it (for me, at least). Nothing to connect me to the ground, but Freaked. Me. Out. My personal feeling is that it's due to control. Ironically, I'm fine if (like in planes) I have no bearing on if I fall. But I could manage to make myself fall over the edge of a railing or balloon basket.

Just a thought-- thanks for your (and others') post! It's nice to know I'm not the only one that has the same height issues.

Comment Re:Our generation and dance (Score 1) 215

Dancing is like programming, there's a few basic moves and techniques you have to learn, and then you make of them what you can.

As an average to above-average swing dancer (I've taught lessons), that's only true for the bare minimum. Great dancers improvise-- as others have said, it's all about feeling the music and making it fun and novel for the girl. If you just stick to the same basic moves, it'll get old and boring quick.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 159

I have no problem telling someone their culture is wrong if it is wasteful and unsustainable. We're all the same species, created equal and therefore qualified to comment on one another.

I have no problem telling someone their culture is wrong if I don't personally approve of it, or believe in it, or think it's wrong There, fixed that for you.

Only one mod point left, otherwise I'd mod both of you up. I just wish more moderators did the same...

Comment Re:Considering the mindset of the era (Score 1) 360

Absolutely. You would think more people on /. would be replying seriously to this article. It's incredible to think that that one ink blot had such a profound effect on the US today. Think of how much of a core element the word "citizen" has become; it's like a symbol of our freedom and unity.

Similarly, the American Psychological Association has forbidden the use of 'subject' in regards to people engaged in psychological data collection (they are now referred to as 'participants').

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