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Comment Re:Goofy glasses (Score 1, Interesting) 154

But there are a few companies/places/whatever that have gone about developing 3D technology without the need for 3D glasses.

Nintendo is supposedly doing it with the 3DS, with two companies lined up that are suspected of providing the screens that allow it. IIRC, Sharp was one of them.

Comment Poor flagging? (Score 0) 511

I dunno if places do it with debit cards, but it should be just as easy... but with some (dunno if all) credit card companies flag "suspicious" activity - and your card being used in Europe would be one such instance... in those cases, they'd call you up to verify the purchase.

Your bank could at least do that sort of thing. Like seriously.. Europe? duh!

Comment Re:Apparently there's an I in democracy (Score 0) 277

To further keep things informative..

The position of Attorney-General is appointed by the leader of the ruling government. Similar to how the leader can shuffle members of his cabinet and make them ministers for different things.

Atkinson is the Minister of Justice, which i suppose makes sense for him to be appointed Attorney-General.

Next year is the South Australian state elections and things can change hands with the current leader of the Labor party being involved in a scandal regarding a supposed affair - which he of course denies and is suing for defamation.

As for having the power to veto things...

Well, it's written in the Classification Act of 1995 which also outlines the "Code" - the Code being the classification rules that dictate how things have to be rated. The Attorney-Generals Department is responsible for the Classification Board and as such, it's written in the Act that any amendments to the Code can only be done if the minister and all participating ministers agree to the amendment.

So if a unanimous vote is not obtained, the amendment is vetoed - as simple as that.

This means that the only way for the R18+ classification to be added in is if:
- Atkinson changes his mind.
- Atkinson loses his position and the new Attorney-General agrees with the other Attorney-Generals
- The Act itself is amended in parliament such that only a majority vote is required.

At current, the 2nd option seems to be the most promising.

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