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Will Telecommuting Kill a Career? 247

coondoggie writes to mention that Network World has a piece taking a look at the effects of the telecommute on advancement within your career. From the article: "Over 60% of 1,320 global executives surveyed by executive search firm Korn/Ferry International said they believe that telecommuters are less likely to advance in their careers in comparison to employees working in traditional office settings. Company executives want face time with their employees, the study said."

Submission + - What dual screen resolution do you use?

Esc7 writes: So after my recent computer upgrade I now have one of those fancy pants dual head videocards. Its time to chuck that 1024x768 CRT and get with the freaking times. So I ask you slashdotters: What size/resolutions/aspect ratio do you dual screen guys use? I'm leaning right now towards dual 1280x1024, mostly because my computer can pump one of those at full detail for most of my games, which is important to me. But I'd very much like to hear all your views on it.
The Courts

Submission + - Maker of phone still a mystery, but getting sued

netbuzz writes: "The maker of the cell phone has yet to be publicly identified or acknowledge involvement, but that's not slowing the legal action that was certain to spring from last weekend's residential hotel fire in California. Network World reports that a press conference could be held as early as tomorrow at which the maker of phone will almost certainly be unmasked. Efforts to learn that company's identity today proved an exercise in frustration. 6

(Note to Slashdot editors: This item is an update to one submitted early today that is still "pending." 5


Political Bloggers May Be Forced to Register 658

Thebes writes "Under Senate Bill S.1, political bloggers with a readership of over 500 who comment on policy matters or hope to incite 'grassroots' action amongst their readers would be forced to register with the Federal Government as lobbyists."

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