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Comment Re:Let's not get out of hand about Mars (Score 0) 168

You're thinking about an unaccelerated Hohmann transfer orbit.

Continuous acceleration greatly mitigates the cost of out-of-phase travel to Mars. And, since you're carting along a honkin' heavy nuclear reactor and you're starting in orbit, there's no reason NOT to use it continuously.


Comment Oracle::Java == MS::VB6 (Score 0) 587

This is your notice that Oracle will control the future Java trajectory for the benefit of Oracle. It's only going to get worse. There will be poison candy like this GC, strategic API and ABI changes, and just a world of hurt. I survived IBM, DEC, and MS hegemonies, and I've been paying attention. It's gonna happen.

However, as a nakedly proprietary platform, it's possible the academic world will back off from its embrace of Java in favor of unowned platforms. One can hope.

Comment Re:The children will ask themselves (Score 0) 539

Asperger's? I dunno. When I was in school standard social interactions looked literally like monkey business to me. It's hard to be socially motivated when you have in your head accurate simulations of most of the people you know. I'm just continually amazed as I look around that primates can by sheer numbers and temporal accumulation accomplish so much.

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