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Comment lame story (Score 1) 614

>Now, my question is: what happened to that money they saved?

Its called profit for the stock holders that never get put back into infrastructure, same as why the oil companies can not afford to open new oil refineries,
when they make 6 billion each month profit, they would lose all control over pricing. The reason for a company not wanting to upgrade, is that they
would have to invest that spent money....which they do not want to do. I have seen companies still on DOS...can you imagine that!?!

When it all boils down to who has their hand in a cookie jar, any excuse will be a good one to help cover up the loss.

Comment It could also be arugued... (Score 1) 61

It could also just be argued that the next gen of studios for languages have more robust debugging and error checking and even documentation on such issues. You might get the next version of visual studio that runs the integrity test or acid test to see what an app or website is lacking for security. The built in unit testing modules can be used this way too.... it all depends on how much time can be given to secure the apps or just write the code and meet the deadline. The most secure ISO certified code (such as military or banking) usually take years for something that takes months in normal development.

Comment woot woot (Score 1) 272

I always knew that many ideas in real life came from the sci fi of yerteryear.... this one is no different.... in future when networked pcs will be at risk due to that exact reasoning, the only thing to do is to run it locally without interference. We could list so many examples of such cases, but the best is having a pc that takes care of a nuclear reactor, that also has been used to surf the web and look at emails.... doh!

Comment Finally.... (Score 1) 147

Russians are the first to start confirming reports that there is new DNA that is not our own on this planet....
they chose to bring it forth this way, but will eventually lead to actual confirmation of life from outer space and that they have arrived/landed....probably through a ship at the bottom of the lake.

Or I might have just finished watching x files marathon...take your pick.

Comment Re:What does StackOverflow run on? (Score 1) 418

I still stick behind my original post though, and I will reiterate
>so if you can get from point a to point b, why trade in your old bike

I f it still does what you need it to and do not need to change it, then why change it for the sake of saying you changed it for newer technology...just another way to make you spend your money.

Comment Re:Documentation Shitty so Developers Turn to Web (Score 1) 418

LMAO, you have no idea how much I laughed at this, because of how true it is!!
If we could do find a way to make them understand this somehow, it would be great.
Then again, they would not spend the money to rewrite all their doc just so we can make heads or tails of it.

Comment Re:What does StackOverflow run on? (Score 2) 418

Why change it if it still does what the company needs it to.
This brainwashing we are experiencing that we need to update everything all the hogwash!
A bike is still a if you can get from point a to point b, why trade in your old bike for a newer and 2000$ prettier bike???

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