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Comment Captain Picard uses one, and so will you. (Score 2, Interesting) 235

Tablet-like computing is the future, and although Microsoft's absolute fucking around stalled it for years and forfeited the market to Apple, the outcome is still inevitable. What I'm waiting for is a Tablet PC that finally eliminates the lag when you draw on the screen with a stylus. I want to get rid of the security, storage, and landfill problems inherent with drawing my designs in paper notebooks.

Comment Re:Free Publicity Rules! (Score 1) 1224

Funny how Linux and MacOSX, even Firefox and Chrome, still seem to thrive in the presence of this scary Microsoft monopoly. And what happened to BeOS when it was purchased? It was given concrete shoes. lol

Nobody but the USPS is allowed to delivery First Class mail. That is a monopolistic federal law. Look it up.

Little to none of the stimulus has been provably spent on highway improvements that anyone actually needed, or that weren't handled from the gas tax fund. It was political slush money. And voters now know it.

"What the fuck does this even mean?" It means you don't know basic economic theory, and because you don't even understand free markets, you surely aren't qualified to speak against free markets. What people do with their money is none of your business. Your concern for other peoples' money reveals you to be the greedy one. But this is common among closet liberals and I am not surprised. What "got us into this mess" was government intervention, deciding that hobos had the right to new homes, and that reckless financial companies had the right to a second life, both on taxpayer dime. People like you deciding how other peoples' money should be redistributed.

For losing your cool, you've pretty much Godwin'd your arguments.

Comment Re:Free Publicity Rules! (Score 1) 1224

Governments that merely "fulfill the will of the people" eventually grow to the point where they deprive of the people of everything.

The USPS doesn't *have* to exist. FedEx, duh. UPS, duh. Internet, duh. Pony Express, duh. Handing out Christmas cards at church, duh.

Neither Microsoft nor Standard Oil were monopolies, and you didn't prove that they were. Even the Supreme Court will lie to a person's face.

The fallacy of Keynesianism is that, short of divine wisdom, government spending will never be done efficiently because it will neither reflect every single self-interest of thousands and millions that a free market is based off of, nor accurately sort wants and needs due to artificially inflated means. In layman's terms: the money will be wasted.

Comment Re:Free Publicity Rules! (Score 1) 1224

Microsoft was not a monopoly. Its competitors were simply not putting their best foot forward as they are today. Same story with Standard Oil. You had a solution looking for a problem.

The only true monopolies that exist are the ones in bed with the government, either explicitly (USPS, Fed, etc) or implicitly via regulations that impair small companies. The market was set to punish the large financial companies for their stupidity and this would have been a shocking deterrent to future adventures...but what saved them? The market? No, the incompetent and meddling central government who deemed them "too big to fail". But in case you didn't notice, there are monthly reports of small banks being shut down without a whimper. Same thing with GM and Chrysler who were about to get mauled for getting in bed with the financially irresponsible unions. Who saved them? The market?

Governments exist to protect natural rights of defense and freedom and that is it. Anything beyond that is a degree of central planning.

Comment Re:You don't say (Score 1, Flamebait) 1224

Muhammad wasn't a prophet, he was a death-obsessed pedophile who was jealous of all the attention that the rest of the world gave to the Jewish-born Jesus. Then to get the men into his army he gave them a fake religion that lied about endless sex in heaven and said God speaks Arabic not Hebrew and God's chief prophet was Arab not Jewish (he really wasn't fond of them Joooz). If I really believed that horseshit maybe I'd also be flying planes into buildings after sniffing lines and visiting strip clubs. Hypocrites, all of em.

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