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Comment Re:No, it wasn't. (Score 2) 224

No doubt BASIC was the path of least resistance, but if you click through my link to 1983, you'll notice that Smalltalk was positioned to execute on a FORTH stack VM which was then reduced to hardware in the Novix chop. Moreover, the technology you see in the Javascript V8 engine had already been published in relation to Smalltalk in 1983.

This was technically feasible at that time. The fact that it wasn't the path of least resistance hardly qualifies BASIC for the credit accorded it by the title of this article.

Comment No, it wasn't. (Score 2) 224

If IBM had gone to Chuck Moore instead of Bill Gates (or rather, his mom) for their 4.77MHz 8088 PC, your title might have been "50 years of FORTH, the Language That Made Computers Personal".

But, then again, if IBM had done that, the personal computer era might have been bypassed entirely with the network computer launching the equivalent of the WWW in 1983.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

Let me put it like this: When the plantation owners refused to let slaves leave them, was it "genocide" for guys in Maine to march down to the South and kill off the plantation owners wholesale until the slaves were freed?

Ah, but you are conflating -- hence confusing -- two entirely different circumstances:

1) People trying to escape you.
2) People trying to expel people like you from their territory, once they have escaped you supremacist government.

It is in your nature, as a parasite, to conflate these two circumstances because it is in your nature, as a parasite to confuse perception. Without confused perception you would not be able to continue to sap the life out of your victims.

In the circumstance when people are trying to escape you and you are using every trick in the book, including confusing use of words, to prevent them from doing so, you forfeit your rights as a human. You are a force of nature and will be treated accordingly.

In the circumstance when people have successfully seceded, along with enough territory that they are not de facto refugees, the subsequent assortative migrations have relocation expenses that must be borne by the governments from which people are trying to escape. That means when determining the territory to secede, the secessionists and the accessionists should carefully consider the relocation expenses for which they will be liable.

That means if you get stuck among the secessionists, they would have to not only provide fair market value for your properties that you cannot relocate, but they must provide moving expenses for your properties that you can relocate. The flip side of that is that the defeated accessionist government would have to provide similar compensations for those relocating to the ceded territory.

Of course, if, during the struggle to free themselves from you -- circumstance #1 --you persisted in your supremacist work, you would be treated as a force of nature and quite possibly killed without a moment's remorse.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

Its easy to point to all kinds of disasters and genocides throughout history -- more actually due to accession than secession.

Look, I know you don't want people to escape people like you. You're a parasite. I got that. Just be aware that your parasitic nature entails dependence and if those upon which you depend are determined enough, they can and will simply cut you off and you will die. They don't need to attack you personally.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

If that 30% was willing to accept the secession of 30% of the territory of the existing US by land value I don't see how their demand for self-determination is incompatible with notions of self-ownership as well as government by consent.

Indeed, I not only can, but do see how the 70% not wishing to secede would be imposing tyranny of the majority by denying such secession. They would be fair game.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

Baldrson asks:

What if 30% so intensely object to the present form of government that they advocate armed rebillion [] toward the end that they might institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness?

KeensMustard pontificates:

Then those 30% would be proposing tyranny.

Brilliant answer.

Comment Re:Interstate Commerce Clause (Score 1) 397

So, now that the Supreme Court has wadded up the Constitution and tossed in on the trash heap of history -- essentially making everything a political fight at the Federal level -- when does someone in the military realize their oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic basically requires them to nuke Washington DC?

Comment Re:Interstate Commerce Clause (Score 1) 397

Very well -- so where is their authority to regulate animal feed that doesn't cross state lines?

If all it takes to avoid the expensive retooling is restricting the sale of the animal feed to within the State of origin, it seems that would provide an option a lot of these brewers would choose.

Somehow I suspect that the Feds don't _really_ care about the Constitution. Moreover, I suspect that puts me on their "watch" list.

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