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Comment Re:Those aren't New Yorkers in the picture! (Score 1) 133

I didn't catch this first time I read it...

she was asking because Brooklyn and Manhattan have different tax rates for rental cars

whaaaa??? Only tax there is MCTD tax on rental besides state and local tax. Local tax is same in every borough/county in NYC. Regardless it's in Manhattan or Brooklyn, it's same MCTD jurisdiction. However rental cars rates (not tax) do differ depending on where you rent it and return it between NYC 5 boroughs.

Next time, please do lookup tax rate in NY if you think you've been scammed.

Again, for the second time, I do apologize on behalf... uggg...

Comment NY, there is no such thing as "finder is keeper" (Score 1) 183

NY Personal Property Law Article 7-B section 252, anything over value of 20 dollars must be reported and file title to police. Fail to do so carries misdemeanor charge. If not claimed by owner, the property goes to the finder, only after he/she files for title of that property.

I assume, this guy will be hit with misdemeanor charge pretty soon.

Comment Re:mp3? Acrobat! (Score 1) 250

Actually that would be correct (except it being magic) because they are all single thread anyhow and every page view these days has to utilize jvm in one form or the other, because any ECMAScript engine with framework libraries supporting swfobject and pdfobject, pdf/swf wrapper api to external execution stack is necessary. hence having ECMAScript engine able to support full pdf data stream without extra execution stack does make sense. As for developer's sake, I can see some value in not dealing with extra layer of the onion just to serve uniform data stream.

Comment Re:teach relational algegra instead (Score 1) 169

I think you would hold kid's attention for about 2 minutes with gripping stories of relational data bases.

2 minutes of rapping and dancing to the beat of popular Hit Pop or obscure R&B rhythm, stories of relational databases will be told. Inspired by song and dance of relational databases, we'll all end up with American Idol rejects, crushing their hopes and dreams, forcing them into dire poverty and teaching them the lessons of importance in education. In the end, they will produce children, which is our ultimate goal, computer scientists.

Comment Required, timely reading, September 19, 2001 (Score 3, Informative) 275

Clark describes a pattern of destructive dishonesty that permeated the Clinton Administration. Clark could never count on candor from Shelton (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs), Secretary of Defense Cohen, or President Clinton. Contrast that with the fact that we have every reason to believe President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretaries Powell, and Rumsfeld. This administration will prove far more reliable and far more honorable.

Newt, as always, smart at narratives but really stupid at drawing a logical conclusion.

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