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Comment Re:Only games tho. (Score 1) 343

I know you are trying to be funny, but it's worth pointing out a couple of things. None of those other things are as immersive as video games. These are kids, remember? They really do learn from experience. The effect will be far greater coming from an activity that totally absorbs your attention by allowing you to take part in it. Actual violence is provably more effective - kids that grow up in violent households usually become violent themselves. Lastly, I don't recall the last time someone said that actual violence was OK while video games are not. Humour works best when it keeps some sort of tie with reality.

Comment Eh? (Score 1) 161

What a strange article. Lots of words, but no clear meaning comes through to me. He seems to be taking one sentence from a Canonical license and saying that it proves there's lots of problems for open source because copyrights fwibble a gwabbit. Well, if he's making up stuff I might as well start making up stuff too. Copyrights are what keep open source open - i.e. you can't ignore the license and stop other people using the open source code you distribute without breaking copyright law yourself.

I really don't see the problem. Contributed code where copyright is assigned to the company can be distributed under a license specified by the company it was contributed to. How is this different from any other company that takes in code? Code that is already under the GPL stays under the GPL - you can't hijack it for your own license, thanks to the copyright laws. If Canonical start being bastards and distributing copyright-assigned contributed code under a non-free license then people will stop contributing. The stuff they have already distributed under a free license remains free forever and they can't revoke it.

Open Source

The Biggest Legal Danger For Open Source? 161

itwbennett writes "Brian Proffitt is blogging about the undercurrent of legal issues troubling the open source world these days and offers up this question: Are patents or copyright a bigger threat to the open source community? Patents are the obvious choice, with inflicting fear being the 'obvious intention of those who have instigated the various legal troubles on open source practitioners.' But the issue of copyright and copyright assignments is no less troublesome, argues Proffitt. And copyright assignment can be confusingly Machievllian, even in open source land."

Comment Re:This is silly. (Score 1) 183

So BP and DuPont aren't a bunch of bastards? It's not their fault they were led astray by the possibility of screwing over the planet to make a few bucks? Are they the real victims here, maybe? Maligned, just for taking advantage of an opportunity to act like bastards. Poor things.

Comment Re:Modern world has its priorities wrong (Score 1) 260

While that makes sense generally, I'm wondering just exactly what the ROI curve for expensive high-energy physics tools like the LHC and Tevatron actually is.

Why do we need to justify it in these terms anyway? What is wrong with doing science just to find things out? Maybe as a species we should try to have loftier ideals in life, rather than grubbing around in the dirt with the bankers, trying to justify our curiosity and thirst for knowledge by thinking up with ways it will make money?

Comment Re:Well, duh. (Score 4, Interesting) 207

Not really. If Microsoft keep winning their patent suits then from their point of view the patent system is hunky dory and they will continue supporting it and using it themselves, to stifle their competition. If Microsoft lose and it hurts enough, then it might force them to rethink their patent strategy. If the US software patent system hurts them enough and keeps hurting them, they might start lobbying to change it.

Comment Re:I can say now: faulty (Score 1) 186

Just to clarify - the "researcher" is employed by a private company that he founded himself. There is no tax money involved. This is not your tax dollars/pounds at work, this is a private individual, working for his own private company generating some publicity for himself. Take a look at his website. Once again - there is no public money involved.

Comment For fucks sake (Score 1) 186

This is not "scientists hard at work at Cambridge". As a scientist who actually works in Cambridge doing real research, it's pretty offensive to see this phrase attached to a story about a single person (who is not a scientist) drumming up some publicity by releasing a press release about some random old cobblers he's supposedly calculated using his super duper computer program. Can we just all try to be a little less gullible please?

Comment Re:Real time updates (Score 2) 119

you say? Submission by anyone you say? Finally I can get those self righteous morons in Portland to ride into the river.

Good lord! How DARE they want to ride their bikes wearing clothes that are comfortable. They should be persecuted until they stop, or you feel better about yourself - whichever happens first.

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